My nigga Omar croaked at 54


Powdered Toast Man
And yet this whiny joo faggot still lives on. Give me a Twitter account for 10 minutes and I'll have his great-grandmother wishing she were gassed at Auschwitz.

Mr. Faggotry

The world’s expert on faggotry
I really don’t understand caring about when celebrities die. He played a character you liked in a show twenty years ago, who gives a fuck?

ME: I go deep with The Wire. Michael K. Williams was amazing in portrayal of Bubbles. Here is a picture of us, please retweet.


I really don’t understand caring about when celebrities die. He played a character you liked in a show twenty years ago, who gives a fuck?

ME: I go deep with The Wire. Michael K. Williams was amazing in portrayal of Bubbles. Here is a picture of us, please retweet.
Yeah, it's all subjective but I agree with your basic sentiment. I can remember being quite upset when Gandolfini and Robin Williams died (first because Tony Soprano and the second because Williams was the last guy you'd expect to kill themself) but probably faggot from me.