More Jackie Nonsense - new claim why Pat is “targeted” by the wacky Funsters

Slackjawed Cow

I laugh at them because they're all the same.

Pats a domestic terrorist


Slackjawed Cow

I laugh at them because they're all the same.

1:14: He believes it's neither his outspoken political views online nor his science fiction writing that have lead to the viral threats. Time to correcT the record Jackie 🤡

Seems like pat cant keep his lies straight. He just picks whatever fits the angle he tries to push. Im sure that will go well in court when the time comes.

Slackjawed Cow

I laugh at them because they're all the same.
Why doesnt she sue the Washington Examiner if its such a lie?


Tagine Enthusiast

Gifted by Lynne!
Why doesnt she sue the Washington Examiner if its such a lie?

She was too busy being fat and brown apparently



12 paramedics couldnt save ur fuckin life boy
Looks like someone's in a foul mood because they're getting their parental rights taken away.

When the rest of your life is going to shit, log onto X and start bashing onaforums. That'll ease the pain of no longer being a part of your child's life.
Bothering conservatives is almost always more fun because they tend to respond whereas the “progressives” usually block and tell the teacher or try to call the police etc,

Not our fault the compound crew are giant pussies and waived the white flag almost a decade ago
There is nothing to be gained from giving attention to demons. Of course that's what you want because you want to drag everyone down to your level to suffer like you. Hence the faggoty/childish little taunting, etc. It will never end because you don't seek peace.

Faggot Boqposter

The Alawite Assassin
There is nothing to be gained from giving attention to demons. Of course that's what you want because you want to drag everyone down to your level to suffer like you. Hence the faggoty/childish little taunting, etc. It will never end because you don't seek peace.
I like the bit so I’ll play along

I guess being at peace is dying of heart disease in your early 60s. Or being a batshit crazy 90 iq whore who looks like a tranny and let’s a creepy acne scarred old man fondle her

Or is it being an unfunny grifting horse with a retard child that should have been given the @NoBacon treatment?