Lovin' this season of The Pat Show. Haven't even gotten to the season finale yet: The Milwaukee Lawsuit Verdict

Slackjawed Cow

I laugh at them because they're all the same.
This has been added to the Dan Vs Pat Defamation Evidence Megathread on Danforo.
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The Official Hungry Bean.
Dan said he has no kids. You made up a bunch of shit about how he's a sex trafficker and has an estranged daughter but also might be a pedo because he helps his daughter out with beauty pagents and has access to young girls

You're a fat brown retard.
If I recall correctly, the daughter thing came from her finding a Dan Mullen in Colorado or something whose daughter competed in pageants. Dan Mullen, unlike Thomas Apostle, is an extremely rare name, so it's understandable she'd make such a mistake.
If ya dont like having what you do to others done to you, theres always shotguns and toe trigger attachments to get ya out of this rough patch Jackie