Lovin' this season of The Pat Show. Haven't even gotten to the season finale yet: The Milwaukee Lawsuit Verdict

This is like when Cloudflare blocked Pat. Even these corporate accounts know he's a joke.



She's patting herself on the back for leaving a violent situation and starting a new life....leaving her daughter behind with the violent monster. Lol what?

As far as her enemies weaponizing the judicial system against her, it seems a bit far fetched.
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Courts always give the abusive man majority custody including every Christmas day. This smells like Gibney.


Courts always give the abusive man majority custody including every Christmas day. This smells like Gibney.
If that actually happened, there would be no Mullen feud, all her energy would be put to getting her daughter back. The complaint would be along the lines of 'my daughter is in the custody of the man who threatened to murder me, I fled for my life and now fear for hers' and not 'when we video chat she seems lonely'.


I Am Racist Man Leader of the Digital Ku Klux Klan

Uncle Anthony Cumia

Hot tubs, guns and slack jawed brothers