Jesus Christ.

Leonard Rhomberg

Who are you gonna replace me with?
Kricfalusi released an apology for his behavior, blaming his mental health and "poor impulse control"
Kricfalusi released an apology to the women and his fans for his behavior, which he said was motivated by undiagnosed bipolar disorder and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
Lmao this fuckin guy blamed having sex with teenagers on ADHD


Stand Alone Fruit
Because he probably hasn't since the 90s
Pisses me off Matt Groening gets so much of the credit for the success of the Simpsons while Sam Simon barely gets mentioned. Sam was why the show was so great in the first 10 or so seasons - being the one who hired the writers and even certain voice talent (Kelsey Grammer as side show Bob was Simon’s idea, etc)
Pisses me off Matt Groening gets so much of the credit for the success of the Simpsons while Sam Simon barely gets mentioned. Sam was why the show was so great in the first 10 or so seasons - being the one who hired the writers and even certain voice talent (Kelsey Grammer as side show Bob was Simon’s idea, etc)
He knew the show was going to shit at season four and bailed out. A legend.


Give Me Some Money
Pisses me off Matt Groening gets so much of the credit for the success of the Simpsons while Sam Simon barely gets mentioned. Sam was why the show was so great in the first 10 or so seasons - being the one who hired the writers and even certain voice talent (Kelsey Grammer as side show Bob was Simon’s idea, etc)
Grammer also refers to Simon as the creator of The Simpsons.