Di Paolo looks kind of ridiculous now

Feehan's Fart Box

DEAD HEAT! You die, you come back to rife!

He's been goin' to the gem, eatin' better and following his TRT regimen. Some weak libtard better not try and step to him or he'll fuck 'em up.

Sorry you can't stand to see a man tell it like it is, snowflake.

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Good for him. Looking a lot better than my old man and he's damn near the same age. What do you have to lose in your 60s by doing some steroids? I guess you could do it like Anth and not work out and just up with a fat head and baby bird arms...
Oh I enjoy making fun of all of these people, but I’ve got to give it to Nick. He looks pretty good. I checked he actually is 60. Even if he’s taking steroids, he has to put in the work. He deserves credit. If he’s going to run his mouth, he should at least get in shape. Can you imagine how easily he could humiliate Nana in a real fight?