Comedians of the Compound Las Vegas September 10th and 11th.


Not on welfare
I have no doubt in my mind that Compound Media is involved in this somehow


the Gentleman's sissy hypno
The Plaza is an off strip shithole and the crowd is going to be 50+% comped tickets for people who have no idea who these people are.

Blandau was the biggest headliner of that sad bunch and they don't even have him anymore.

And I *really* want to meat the neckbeard who pays $350 to see the same show 3 times. Or the $200 to listen to a AntH slur through karaoke and have Stupid Geno drunkenly shout in your ear.
what did happen to Blandau?
I was in Vegas for a bender a few weeks ago. I’m happy to report I did not set foot in that vile part of town known as downtown Las Vegas.
Fremont Street can be a fun stop for a few hours, but only a total retard would actually stay there. The Golden Nugget is the only semi-viable Fremont Street option and even that's iffy at best. The Plaza is as bad as Circus Circus, I wouldn't even take a free room there. Not only is it on shitty Fremont Street, it's at the shitty end of shitty Fremont Street.

I can't wait to see Moo Cow's tweets where he carries on like he's in a suite at the Palms or something.