I've met a bunch of celebrities through my job.
I once let a door slam in Billy Joel's face cuz I didn't know who he was. No one told me Billy Joel was a little, bald, 4 foot tall dwarf.
I rolled a joint for two of the 30 Seconds from Mars faggots cuz they didn't know how to. After I got done rolling it, I lit it up and burned the fucking thing for a few minutes while I mother fucked them about being faggots, then gave them their half smoked joint and dipped.
Once I had to share a car with the Darkness's manager after an event. I spent the whole time telling him about how I don't respect gimmick, joke bands.
At another event, I was hanging out with this reggae band, Pepper, and I kept telling them how much I hate pop punk bands, followed by "no offense"
I engineered a session with a reggae producer who was hot at the time - Michael (((Goldwasser))). He got all fucked up on pills and I kept asking him if he was going to do any actual work or just keep nodding off on the couch. That mother fucker made the studio bring in a real Hammond B3 organ and barely used it.
I worked with Aaron Carter on a single and I kept bringing up how famous his brother was. I told him that it must be cool being related to a celebrity.
I was in a local bar/seafood place earlier this year and watched this dumb rube walk up to Dog the Bounty Hunter while he was at a table, mid-meal, and ask for a selfie. One of Dog's hoes was a real bitch about it, but Dog shut her right-the-fuck-up, then made her take the guys phone and snap a couple of pics of the two of them together. I bought a round of drinks for his table after that and he came over and thanked me, shook my hand, etc.
I tried to work with HR from Bad Brains on a project, but he is legit schizophrenic crazy. We accomplished nothing and I never heard from him again.