Bobby Kelly sucks and is ruining The Bonfire.


Give Me Some Money
When Dan was on it, it was the funniest show out there. Bobby has no idea how to riff and lies about absolutely everything. He grinds the show to a halt at least once every episode. Jay will be talking and he will start going "Jay. Look at me. Look at me. Jay. Look at me. Look at me in the eyes. Jay.". He has done that exact thing so many times, it's enraging.
When Dan came back and was getting laughs, he interrupted him to tell everyone that his son, Max, has gotten pubes. He has also talked about how he has to cut up Max's shits so they'll go down. Recently he revealed that he and his wife would still wipe Max after taking a shit because he wanted to be really clean. This was after he had gotten pubes.
This kid is one of the most spoiled brats I've heard, he is either going to daterape someone or kill someone in a drunk driving accident.


Give Me Some Money
Found an older post I made about him.

"I never had any problems with him on OnA. Sure, he was a moron but he took the punches and laughed along.
Ever since he became a co-host on Bonfire though, holy shit. All he does is tell made up stories and shout. Whenever he talks about soemthing that happened to him you can actually hear him pause so he can make up the next part. He also talks about his stupid kid every fucking episode. Who he apparently still showers with even though he has pubes now. And I know that because Bobby decided to talk about it on the show for some reason.
He sees himself as a "tech guy" but that apparently only means buying the latest Apple products and talking about how superior they are to everything else. When someone pointed out that iPhone didn't have copy+paste for several generations but Android always had it, that was because "when Android did it, it never worked correctly" and Apple did it because "they figures out how to do it without any problems and then Android copied them".
What else. Worst taste in everything. He thought Jared Leto's Joker was amazing and the best iteration of the character. Was genuinely shocked no one else on the show agreed with him. Only TV he watches are procedural like SWAT and Burn Notice.
Talk about tanking your show, Big Jay."


Give Me Some Money
Another old post by me about him.

"Serch was brought up on The Bonfire, they seemed to have no clue OnA talked about him. Big Jay thought he was a loser and doofus from his music but Bobby actually likes him.
What a fat retard."

I am going to keep this thread alive and post whenever Bobby is awful.


"AnTi-swaTTing laws"
Bobby can be very funny on podcasts if he has da chemishhtree with his Co host. The Regz is a really funny show despite featuring Joe list. The old Bobby and colin show was good. YKWD during the regz era was really funny. Jay and Bobby just aren't a good match for a show. Jay needs someone like Luis to moderate him and his contributions to the show. If left to his own devices it'll just be watching videos and telling juggalo sex stories which can be very hit and miss. I imagine Bobby is happy to be there guy and very over eager to please people. So he's willing to make shit up and be overly enthusiastic. I could never hate Bobby but him and Jay was always an odd pairing to me.
I always hated Bobby. From the very first time he was on XM, I could tell he was just a dimwitted liar who was aping Norton's style (and Jim was already an amalgam of various other comics). The name of his terrible podcast is reference to Jim earnestly calling him stupid for rehearsing his conversations. Bob apparently thinks this is something worth "owning"?
"You know what dude? That reminds me of this time I was hitchhiking through the PNW and this small time sheriff started giving me shit. I gave him shit & his goons locked me up and tortured me a little bit. That was where they was fucked up: once they drew first blood, I fucked them up and waged a one man guerrilla war against them. It turned into a whole thing untill it was it was time for my set at the Capital Hill Comedy Club in Seattle."


Give Me Some Money
He's also such a retard that he thinks commonplace words are "big words". On more than one occasion have I heard Bobby stop a conversation and laugh at someone using a 'big word', his phrasing, and then say no one knows what that is. One example would be when they had some guest on that was talking to Jay and they used the word 'hypothetical' which caused Bobby to grind everything to a halt. He has also done the same on The Regz.

Pronounciation is another thing he is a retard about. There was a period where he kept going on for weeks about how he loved tzatziki and ordered it all the time but the entire time he kept pronouncing it "tuhsiki". How is that even possible.


Give Me Some Money
Jay is riffing about the Yellowstone actors becoming fake cowboys in real life. Bobby interrupts: "Me and- Me and Dawn- Me and Dawn do fake accents all the time".

Jay is riffing about Michael Jackson, Bobby chimes in with his MJ impression: "Hey boy, you lik-, here's a spoon, I heard you, I heard you, you lick my butt for a spoon."

Genius riffing. I did not make these up, these are verbatim. He's also talked about how much he loves Rogan's comedy and that Breuer is funnier than he's ever been right now.

Bobby clearly knows what's funny and what's not.


For the last time, I am NOT Frank Grimes!
Another old post by me about him.

"Serch was brought up on The Bonfire, they seemed to have no clue OnA talked about him. Big Jay thought he was a loser and doofus from his music but Bobby actually likes him.
What a fat retard."

I am going to keep this thread alive and post whenever Bobby is awful.

That alone makes me want to punch Bobby.