Bert Kreischer movie "The Machine"


I told them to back off bcuz it wasnt their show
Bert has been sending Elliot In The Morning food all week long so he would promote this shit movie and by like Wednesday morning even the main DJ (Elliot) was getting sick of faking the promotion. Of course he HAS to say its good but if you know EITM, you know when hes bullshitting. I dont doubt they get along in real life but you can tell this movie is dogshit for sure and Elliot did not like it.


Formerly know as Fat Abbot
Bert has been sending Elliot In The Morning food all week long so he would promote this shit movie and by like Wednesday morning even the main DJ (Elliot) was getting sick of faking the promotion. Of course he HAS to say its good but if you know EITM, you know when hes bullshitting. I dont doubt they get along in real life but you can tell this movie is dogshit for sure and Elliot did not like it.
People still listen to EITM?

Dummy Gaynuts

Pookie-pie water-pig
Bert has been sending Elliot In The Morning food all week long so he would promote this shit movie and by like Wednesday morning even the main DJ (Elliot) was getting sick of faking the promotion. Of course he HAS to say its good but if you know EITM, you know when hes bullshitting. I dont doubt they get along in real life but you can tell this movie is dogshit for sure and Elliot did not like it.
Bert was the fucking worst on EITM because it would turn into an obnoxious fake laughing competition between him and elliot
People still listen to EITM?
Leave it alone fawkface

Uncle J’s Sink Emporium

Enjoy prison, Y’munkoke
The fact they decided to put Bert’s movie out Memorial Day weekend against the little mermaid opening, 2nd week of Fast X, Guardians 3, and this Sebastian / DeNiro comedy means they know it’s shit and hope to get something on a 3 day weekend before pulling it and sending it to streaming. Pretty much they’re hoping it rains all weekend all over the country so people won’t be able to go to the beach / outside and go to a movie for something to do.
It’s going to be shit weather up the whole east coast so that may save them.


Stand Alone Fruit
The movie is out today and there is only one review online that basically just said it’s boring.
From what I’ve read they are projecting 5 million but that seems to be a stretch. Bert thinks this will bring back box office hit raunchy R rated comedies to theaters and we all know that won’t happen. They thought that gay Bros movie would be a hit and boy did that tank


I told them to back off bcuz it wasnt their show
People still listen to EITM?
Its the only tolerable show to listen to on the way to work or when i get to site and leave the truck on w the radio blasting. It’s certainly not A+ radio by any stretch of the imagination but they have the occasional funny discussion. Most of the time i have my music playlist or youtube on but sometimes im working shoulder to shoulder with random contractors or whatever and cant have my personal shit playjng. But yeah Elliot is still running strong as far as i can tell.


Even Little Mermaid is getting bad reviews. This one made me howl.


Formerly know as Fat Abbot
From what I’ve read they are projecting 5 million but that seems to be a stretch. Bert thinks this will bring back box office hit raunchy R rated comedies to theaters and we all know that won’t happen. They thought that gay Bros movie would be a hit and boy did that tank
Apparently it grossed 850k last night which honestly is better than projections. They're now saying it could overperform with 8-10 million for the holiday weekend

Queefer Sutherland

Fix me, Josh!
I'm getting an estimated $20-30 million budget from various sites. I'm guessing at least $5-10 million in advertising then.

It needs to gross over $50 million to just to break even, and their own highest projection is a $5 million opening weekend. I'm guessing it won't even gross $10 million at the box office.


Stand Alone Fruit
I'm getting an estimated $20-30 million budget from various sites. I'm guessing at least $5-10 million in advertising then.

It needs to gross over $50 million to just to break even, and their own highest projection is a $5 million opening weekend. I'm guessing it won't even gross $10 million at the box office.
20-30? It doesn’t even have any actual big names! Mark Hamill will do anything to be in a movie so he doesn’t count. I remember that gay Bros was also made in that range and it didn’t have any big names. How does Jordan Peele do it for 5-10 and these turds take 20-30?

Lamont & Tonelli

Brevity is... wit.
20-30? It doesn’t even have any actual big names! Mark Hamill will do anything to be in a movie so he doesn’t count. I remember that gay Bros was also made in that range and it didn’t have any big names. How does Jordan Peele do it for 5-10 and these turds take 20-30?
Because while he is a tremendous faggot who tastes Jim Norton's piss on his wife's lips, Peele seems like he actually wants to make movies. Kreischer's horseshit is a decade-late cashgrab by cynical retards for naive retards.