Are you all ready for the barrage of Cow posts in the coming days?


Joe's Filipino Supervisor
He’s never going back and he’ll never get a stateside cruise job because of his retarded sense of entitlement. Joseph, it’s back to TGIFridays and the Moose Lodge, you BLEW IT!
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Are you kidding me?! I cannot wait! The amount of "it's other people's fault" posts is going to be amazing!


Nigger John sucks off faggots in the park
Bona fide street classic…Could use a few updates tho.


It died on the vine
Just imagine being Carol or Layla, not having had Joe around for 4 months and now dreadfully counting down the days until you have to hear the same guitar riffs over and over, the same stories about the glory days, the Boomer poker meetups in the house stinking up the joint, the nappy-ass gray armpit hairs staring disrespectfully at you all day.

Carol probably is gonna miss starfishing alone in bed and now is gonna have to give up that good lovin in the same position when Joe gets back


For the last time, I am NOT Frank Grimes!
Just imagine being Carol or Layla, not having had Joe around for 4 months and now dreadfully counting down the days until you have to hear the same guitar riffs over and over, the same stories about the glory days, the Boomer poker meetups in the house stinking up the joint, the nappy-ass gray armpit hairs staring disrespectfully at you all day.

Carol probably is gonna miss starfishing alone in bed and now is gonna have to give up that good lovin in the same position when Joe gets back

You know she just lies there and fakes it.

"So so so so so so I was AMAZING, right? 🎇🎆"


The Backbone of America
Is it too much to ask that the ship sink and Joe brag on FB about pushing women and children out of the way to get the last lifeboat?
I seriously think that it's still possible that Joe somehow single handedly sinks the ship, is the only survivor and bitches about what incompetent foreign idiots the crew was and how Americans are better sailors.


For the last time, I am NOT Frank Grimes!
I seriously think that it's still possible that Joe somehow single handedly sinks the ship, is the only survivor and bitches about what incompetent foreign idiots the crew was and how Americans are better sailors.

I just want Joe to be the lone survivor in a plane crash so he can start thinking he's Bruce Willis in "Unbreakable", when he's more like Bruce Willis in real life.
Just imagine being Carol or Layla, not having had Joe around for 4 months and now dreadfully counting down the days until you have to hear the same guitar riffs over and over, the same stories about the glory days, the Boomer poker meetups in the house stinking up the joint, the nappy-ass gray armpit hairs staring disrespectfully at you all day.

Carol probably is gonna miss starfishing alone in bed and now is gonna have to give up that good lovin in the same position when Joe gets back
Starfish sex is hot


I Am Racist Man Leader of the Digital Ku Klux Klan
Just imagine being Carol or Layla, not having had Joe around for 4 months and now dreadfully counting down the days until you have to hear the same guitar riffs over and over, the same stories about the glory days, the Boomer poker meetups in the house stinking up the joint, the nappy-ass gray armpit hairs staring disrespectfully at you all day.

Carol probably is gonna miss starfishing alone in bed and now is gonna have to give up that good lovin in the same position when Joe gets back
Layler will have to wipe off that makeup and not look like a Puerto Rican Hoo-er