You honkies don't know nothin about seasonin yo food


To be fair, white people cuisines aren’t all that great in my opinion. British cuisine isn’t anything spectacular. French is good but it’s also so far up its own ass that it’s somewhat overrated because everybody automatically says it’s amazing.

Going further down the list, I’m not even sure traditional Russian dishes are even cooked. Irish food is bland. I don’t even know what Norwegians or Danes or Fins or Swedes even eat so toss them out. Germans have some decent stuff but it’s a short list.

So you’re basically left with the Mediterraneans like the Greeks, Italians, Spaniards, and even the Portuguese if you consider them white. If you don’t, then yeah white people food is pretty bland.

I’m also retarded so there’s that.

Troy Maclure

So easily forgotten…
To be fair, white people cuisines aren’t all that great in my opinion. British cuisine isn’t anything spectacular. French is good but it’s also so far up its own ass that it’s somewhat overrated because everybody automatically says it’s amazing.

Going further down the list, I’m not even sure traditional Russian dishes are even cooked. Irish food is bland. I don’t even know what Norwegians or Danes or Fins or Swedes even eat so toss them out. Germans have some decent stuff but it’s a short list.

So you’re basically left with the Mediterraneans like the Greeks, Italians, Spaniards, and even the Portuguese if you consider them white. If you don’t, then yeah white people food is pretty bland.

I’m also retarded so there’s that.

Consider this: The Big Mac.


To be fair, white people cuisines aren’t all that great in my opinion. British cuisine isn’t anything spectacular. French is good but it’s also so far up its own ass that it’s somewhat overrated because everybody automatically says it’s amazing.

Going further down the list, I’m not even sure traditional Russian dishes are even cooked. Irish food is bland. I don’t even know what Norwegians or Danes or Fins or Swedes even eat so toss them out. Germans have some decent stuff but it’s a short list.

So you’re basically left with the Mediterraneans like the Greeks, Italians, Spaniards, and even the Portuguese if you consider them white. If you don’t, then yeah white people food is pretty bland.

I’m also retarded so there’s that.