You honkies don't know nothin about seasonin yo food

Sue Lightning

The fact is, whites are the ones who discovered seasoning and knew how to use it. Niggers only used seasoning because they couldn’t figure out why their meat was going bad (because they didn’t know how to preserve it).
Look at Southern Cuisine which is basically all black. It “doesn’t taste good” unless you’ve lathered it in butter, sugar, salt, deep friend it, then put some heavy ass unhealthy sauce like gravy on top of it. Whites with Northern cuisine could make the best tasting dish ever but because its not covered in shit that blocks your arteries it’s “bad” or “not seasoned”.

Seasoned = With cholesterol and fats

What kind of fat fucking nigger looks at a perfectly good steak and decides to deep fry it and put gravy on it. “MMMM IT DONT TASTE GOOD IF AINT MADE DAT WAY HONEY” Jesus christ.