You gonna take this disrespect, Pat?


Dan doesn't have a penis. I. Do.

Maggie Mae and Leslie teaming up to discuss how to get rid of black widows. Doesn't Schill know she's not allowed to be friends with cybernazi terrorist sympathizers?

Barney Gumble

Inb4 Pat Kool-Aid Mans himself into their conversation to let MM know that "This is Leslie Varney. She's supposed to be a literary agent who protects people like me and looks out for our best interests. Instead, she's thrown her hat in the ring with the cyber terrorists trying to kill my family and I."


Shit eatin', Jew beatin' son of a gun
She trying to kill Leslie? I'm not an expert but I don't think picking up a deadly spider with your bare hands is sound advice.
It's always the retards who have no experience with anything that will give pro tips on everything.

Oh, that's how you deal with a black widow, Maggie? Have you ever done it? No. You'd have a shrieking fucking meltdown at the sight of one and probably have to be put on oxygen and fed a wedding cake full of pills.


I'd give him my blood, except for one thing...
Leslie will be bitten by the black widow on Schills advice. Rather than killing her it will put her in a coma, upon waking up she will realize the bite has given her superhuman powers but chronic pain. In a justified rage she will kill Schill and eventually Patrick, avenging my death. Godspeed you, Leslie.

Slackjawed Cow

I laugh at them because they're all the same.
It's always the retards who have no experience with anything that will give pro tips on everything.

Oh, that's how you deal with a black widow, Maggie? Have you ever done it? No. You'd have a shrieking fucking meltdown at the sight of one and probably have to be put on oxygen and fed a wedding cake full of pills.
This is the same retard that has her day ruined by a couple shopping carts in a parking lot.