WWAWD shoplifting? Have you ever done it and is it moral?


❤️bonnie bonnie bonnie❤️
I don't steal. I used to when I was a kid. Not because I needed to or anything, just because. One time a couple years ago, I was in big store around Christmas and I saw the manager or whatever dragging this woman around by the arm and telling her that she's going to jail and stuff. He was talking like a Trailer Park Boys cop. "You're going away to con college for a long time, shitbird." because she tried to steal something and he busted her. He took her to this indoor cart corral thing and made her stand in there while he stood there in front of her with his arms crossed like a mall cop and a look of purpose on his face like he's doing something super important. The way the guy was being so over the top like he truly gave a shit that this lady tried to steal whatever bullshit item and was acting like she stole from him directly pissed me off so I was like "Ma'am, just leave. Fuck this guy. He can't physically keep you here. He literally can't touch you." I think the lady was wicked embarrassed so she didn't even glance up at me. The manager guy started his cop shit on me so I told him to shut his fucking mouth. As I was already walking away he was like "YOU CAN GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY STORE!" and I was like "Make me, you fucking faggot." Then I just turned around and milled around and made the guy uncomfortable for another 5 minutes or so. The cops never showed up while I was there.


Give Me Some Money
I did back when I was really poor, which was not that long ago. Prior to that I never would have imagined myself being able to do so but in hindsight, that is really easy to say when you've never been put in that position.
To be clear, we have these wireless things you carry around the store and then scan every thing you put in your bag with it and I didn't scan everything.
I ended up getting caught which might be the most embarrassing moment of my life. On the day I got caught they had these undercover security guards or some shit that just walk around stores looking for shoplifters I guess. The reason they thought I was suspicious was because I was walking around the store in a weird way, like going from one side to the other and then back again but the reason I was doing that was cause I was just following my shopping list, lol.
Police ended up coming which really opened my eyes to how much they lie, it seemed like that was all they were doing but I didn't see it at the time. One of the lies being that when I got papers from the court sent home they said they had offered me a lawyer and I refused, something that never came up.
Anyway, I'm still poor just not as poor as I was back then. But fuck me, I wouldn't wish that experience on anyone(I would).
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❤️bonnie bonnie bonnie❤️
I did back when I was really poor, which was not that long ago. Prior to that I never would have imagined myself being able to do so but in hindsight, that is really easy to say when you've never been put in that position.
To be clear, we have these wireless things you carry around the store and then scan every thing you put in your bag with it and I didn't scan everything.
I ended up getting caught which might be the most embarrassing moment of my life. On the day I got caught they had these undercover security guards or some shit that just walk around stores looking for shoplifters I guess. The reason they thought I was suspicious was because I was walking around the store in a weird way, like going from one side to the other and then back again but the reason I was doing that was cause I was just following my shopping list, lol.
Police ended up coming which really opened my eyes to how much they lie, it seemed like that was all they were doing but I didn't see it at the time. One of the lies being that when I got papers from the court sent home they said they had offered me a lawyer and I refused, something that never came up.
Anyway, I'm still poor just not as poor as I was back then. But fuck me, I wouldn't wish that experience on anyone.
Sigh, it’s a tough one man.


Give Me Some Money
I did back when I was really poor, which was not that long ago. Prior to that I never would have imagined myself being able to do so but in hindsight, that is really easy to say when you've never been put in that position.
To be clear, we have these wireless things you carry around the store and then scan every thing you put in your bag with it and I didn't scan everything.
I ended up getting caught which might be the most embarrassing moment of my life. On the day I got caught they had these undercover security guards or some shit that just walk around stores looking for shoplifters I guess. The reason they thought I was suspicious was because I was walking around the store in a weird way, like going from one side to the other and then back again but the reason I was doing that was cause I was just following my shopping list, lol.
Police ended up coming which really opened my eyes to how much they lie, it seemed like that was all they were doing but I didn't see it at the time. One of the lies being that when I got papers from the court sent home they said they had offered me a lawyer and I refused, something that never came up.
Anyway, I'm still poor just not as poor as I was back then. But fuck me, I wouldn't wish that experience on anyone(I would).
Now that I think about it, I'm probably poorer now than I was back then due to inflation, lol.