I get picked all the time. It’s
this is why I always try to get on the jury.If you're in the US just imply jury nullification its really not that hard. You can't be held accountable or responsible for the result you give as a juror. You also are not required to provide the justification for your verdict. This is not explained to you by anyone during the process for obvious reasons. As a logical entailment of those facts, you are legally justified to rule any way you want regardless of the law. If you feel like a law is unjust you can rule however you want. Telling people about this is a bit of a grey area if you are near a courthouse as there have been first amendment cases won and lost with people passing out literature. There is also a small (albeit non-zero) chance if you "hurrr durrr don't selects me here is the Wikipedia article on jury nullification" a judge will hold you in contempt. That's the same as being disruptive in general.
During voir dire (jury selection process), the attorney will hint at this with various questions. Something to the effect of "would you follow the evidence or would your feelings influence your decisions". Something that hints at ruling in a way that isn't per the law. Just respond that if you feel a law is unjust your moral principles would not allow you to vote that way or some shit. No lawyer would ever select you.
[URL unfurl="true"]https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/jury_nullification[/URL]