WWAWD David Allen Coe


the l0de radio hour every friday night!
Unknown Hinson would fucking WRECK live. Saw him at the Grey Eagle pouring sweat like an Israeli in front of the 9/11 commission.

Coe's lyrics are actually self-reflective and in my opinion, not racist in the context of the era in which they were released. In "Nigger Fucker" Coe reserves the bulk of his disgust for his woman and himself in the song and the only bad thing he has to say about his black rival is that he's "greasy".

Coe responded to the accusations by stating "Anyone that hears this album and says I'm a racist is full of shit".
I've got a black drummer who's married to a white chick," Coe says. "I've got (black, former heavyweight boxing champion) Leon Spinks' pictures all over my bus, pictures he took with my family. My hair's in dreadlocks. I'm the farthest thing from a white supremacist that anybody could ever be. I'm really (ticked) off, ya know."


Where we at with the where we at?
Please come to Boston and Tennessee whiskey (fuck you chris Stapleton you faggot) are two of the best country songs written.