WWAW people who say "addicting" instead of "addictive" and why are they all pedophiles?

the only people who deserve a more painful death are those who call themselves 'drug attics'

attic /ăt′ĭk/

  1. A story or room directly below the roof of a building, especially a house.
  2. A low wall or story above the cornice of a classical façade.
  3. A native or an inhabitant of Attica, the territory of the ancient Athenian state, now an eparchy of the kingdom of Greece; an Athenian.

Lamont & Tonelli

Brevity is... wit.
A buddy of mine says "irregardless", and I used to think he was doing it ironically until we'd been hanging out a few years and I never once heard him say it correctly. Makes me sick to my stomach.
Newsreaders are the fucking worst, lost "begs the question" years ago, but now it's "good/bad optics" instead of "a good/bad look", like they're comparing the subject to Lenscrafters.


❤️bonnie bonnie bonnie❤️
A buddy of mine says "irregardless", and I used to think he was doing it ironically until we'd been hanging out a few years and I never once heard him say it correctly. Makes me sick to my stomach.
Newsreaders are the fucking worst, lost "begs the question" years ago, but now it's "good/bad optics" instead of "a good/bad look", like they're comparing the subject to Lenscrafters.
What a paux fas.
I say "it is what it is". It's kind of a Buddhist thing. You have to accept what you cannot change. In good times, chop wood carry water. In bad times? Chop wood, carry water. It is what it is.

Also, every time anyone mentions the Stephen King book about a sewer dwelling clown I make the same joke. That's probably way more annoying.