WWAW knowing Black Rifle Coffee Co. were faggots the entire time?


The Night Time Attitude
What is it with former CIA guys and wanting things shoved up their ass?




Still spreading the O&A virus
They'd shove broom sticks up the asses of Arabs they tortured. After the 50th or so sodomy, they get curious.
Some of the terrorists also claimed that they would "force" them to have sex with each other, shove chem lights up their asses, and most hilariously be chained to a chair or post and have a dog anally rape them while the guards cheered and laughed.


Fan of the Era
This ex-armyman business grift keeps the ex-zogbot 'muh tyfys' from the truth of their wasted years as enforcers for israel.
To be fair, the years training stateside, etc. pre-deployment are self-improvement for most men, not wasted. Any man or woman here who claims to have been truly 'based' and 'J pilled' in the early 2000s is full of beans, I say!