WWAW getting laid off?

The company that bought us out while I believe pays more has a reputation for being terrible to work for. Shitty management and even though you get paid more, probably still not getting paid enough for as big as a work load. I haven't even seen what they will be offering us yet, but on the bright side at least we are getting severance.
Severance is nice, but you want to get it as a discriminated against gay or even genderfluid man. Visible Faggots are important for the new company's DEI quota.


The transition of the jew narrative from “We must have the goyim keep working during the pandemic. Let’s write a bunch of news about working from home!” To “oye vey! We’re losing money on corporate real estate! Goyim, you must go back in the office because of … synergy!”

We really need another small mustache man.


"AnTi-swaTTing laws"
I have huge respect for people who can't lounge around and grift. I personally passed that rubicon a few years ago. It would probably feel a little gross day-to-day after a while, but at the same time why contribute to this fake and gay nation?

Actually who the fuck am I kidding if I didn't work I'd have liver failure by summer tbh.
If I didn't work through COVID I would 100% have been dead of a fentanyl overdose.
I peaked pretty early & now have a couple business interests. I've got an 'estimated date of death' calculator & I plot the graph against my daily cash burn-rate... providing the lines don't cross then I'll be fine.

If I didn't work through COVID I would 100% have been dead of a fentanyl overdose.
for me, I feel it'd be the opposite,, although I had big plans before covid hit... I feel like I've got one big BOOM of talent left in me, so we'll see how that goes


#1 Poster
I feel like I've got one big BOOM of talent left in me

Hudson Margera-Hughes

Heyyyy, HELLHOLE ADLsters...
The transition of the jew narrative from “We must have the goyim keep working during the pandemic. Let’s write a bunch of news about working from home!” To “oye vey! We’re losing money on corporate real estate! Goyim, you must go back in the office because of … synergy!”

We really need another small mustache man.
"We really need another small mustache man."

Perhaps, more den dat even!

Anyone remember long before memes was the slogan "When Hitler comes back it's no more Mr. nice guy!"


Was told today that my company sold off to a bigger competitor and my team will only be employed until the beginning of next month. Apparently they will be giving us an opportunity to transfer over to the new company, but no word on positions or pay. Fawkin brootal.
If they said you'd be given the opportunity to transfer over, it might not be all bad. Don't know where you work, but most Fortune 500 acquisitions do decent severances if you don't take the transfer (i.e. package out). Also, headcount reductions really depend on whether there are redundancies with the acquisition. When my local Panera was converted to a Ruby Tuesdays, I was still able to stay on and make soups served in bread bowls.