WWAW Better Call Saul coming out again this coming monday?


Dirty Bastard
I’m fucking out. At this point its fucking punishment sitting through this shite, I thought I could make it to the end but what a load of shit. Kim suddenly has an attack of conscience even though she was the one instigating the campaign against Howard. How the fucks she travel from Florida to albuquerque without her new husband knowing or did I miss the part where she tells him she’s off for a few days to cop to murder and fuck knows how many other charges.


Professional leech since 1994. Anyone can do it.
It's the best show on TV. Everyone here is just retarded and would rather rewatch Sopranos for the zillionth time.

Genuine question :image_9248: - Does lazy as fuck writing like 'Ask Jeeves told me' not bother you? Like the company was dissolved in 2006, years before this timeline is supposed to be taking place. Even if that wasn't the case though, it's just corny writing. Grammy doesn't use Google like the cool kids; She uses Ask Jeeves because she's a doddery old cunt tee hee!

Also all the Kim stuff is so on the nose. Like I get she's going to have a new life in Florida but why does she suddenly have to have to look like a fucking Mormon and be married to some weird annoying fuck? Then there's the horrible fucking fan service that's completely forced. There was zero reason for Jesse or Walt had to show up in this show and it was horribly executed.

I'm not trying to ruin the show for you or anything but I just don't understand how people are still so unwavering in their love for this show despite all its obvious flaws at this point.


It was the best episode this season. I was really surprised there was a point to the old lady searching stuff on YouTube. I thought it was just a quirky thing to appease reddit.

Although she said she used AskJeeves, but AskJeeves stopped being a thing in 2006 and this is set in what, 2011? 2012? Retard Gillian.
Nacho’s curtain call episode was better, I think. Real ass dude.


Still spreading the O&A virus
He said 6 years so it's 2014?
Six years since the 2004 divorce. So it is 2010 now. Gene calling Kim takes place six weeks after Walt goes on his Nazi killing rampage and frees Jesse. The first scenes we get of Gene working at Cinnabon are likely less than a month from Walter killing the Nazis. Meaning he is FBI's most wanted and all over the news but instead of hiding in a suburban house and keeping silent he gets a job in the largest shopping mall in the state three weeks into an FBI manhunt.

He literally could not keep himself hidden in a new house and just relax for six weeks living off of his diamonds. Idiot is working as a manager in a crowded shopping mall facing hundreds of people every day. And has now used his real name to three different people. And has called two people from ABQ including one on her work phone that was his ex-wife.

And this guy was written as some genius conman who can "beat the system, MAN!!!".


Genuine question :image_9248: - Does lazy as fuck writing like 'Ask Jeeves told me' not bother you? Like the company was dissolved in 2006, years before this timeline is supposed to be taking place. Even if that wasn't the case though, it's just corny writing. Grammy doesn't use Google like the cool kids; She uses Ask Jeeves because she's a doddery old cunt tee hee!

Also all the Kim stuff is so on the nose. Like I get she's going to have a new life in Florida but why does she suddenly have to have to look like a fucking Mormon and be married to some weird annoying fuck? Then there's the horrible fucking fan service that's completely forced. There was zero reason for Jesse or Walt had to show up in this show and it was horribly executed.

I'm not trying to ruin the show for you or anything but I just don't understand how people are still so unwavering in their love for this show despite all its obvious flaws at this point.
Thanks I was worried you were worried you were going to ruin the mostly by this point black and white show for me. That black chick manager was kinda cute (sorry, AntH) btw.

I kinda got got a thing for overly officious broads with short hair.


I enjoyed the earlier season with Chuck and the farcry guy, should've killed Kim 3 seasons ago know what I mean
Michael McKean really made this show. Once Saul plummeted his brother into suicide that should have been the tipping point. Sure, we would have missed out on Timothy Dalton’s performance which was admittedly kind of hammy but I enjoyed nonetheless.


Jesus Fuck this shites painful to endure. You can see where that pretentious cunt Rian Johnson got it from, fucking bunch of boring twats. The last two episodes have added fuck all to whatever plots left at this point.
Series should have ended positively with Lalo raping the fuck out of Kim then mailing Saul her head


Still spreading the O&A virus
Michael McKean really made this show. Once Saul plummeted his brother into suicide that should have been the tipping point. Sure, we would have missed out on Timothy Dalton’s performance which was admittedly kind of hammy but I enjoyed nonetheless.
The show should always have been around Saul, Kim, Howard, and Chuck. Stuff like Gus, Mike, Lalo, Nacho, just took away from the main premise. To the point where the big transition from Jimmy to Saul happens off screen. Lyle the fry cook and manager got more screen time cleaning the cook surfaces than we saw Jimmy become Saul Goodman and get his office and his inflatable statue.


Btw, I am really sick of pretentious shows referencing The Shining. We get it, Saul bouncing the ball against the wall was a reference to Jack bouncing the ball, and a metaphor for him being completely alone now and going off the rails. Fuck.


Formerly know as Fat Abbot
I don't hate the show like everyone else in this thread but that whole thing with Jeff driving into the car (on purpose?) then getting arrested for robbery without having anything on him was profoundly retarded.
I don't hate the show completely. I just really hate how they are handling the last season and all the forced fan service since season 3.


Btw, I am really sick of pretentious shows referencing The Shining. We get it, Saul bouncing the ball against the wall was a reference to Jack bouncing the ball, and a metaphor for him being completely alone now and going off the rails. Fuck.
You've done it again, Vince!



yep yep yep yep yep
Anyway if you folks wanna see my real photo just "Yahoo! Search" biggest cock in the world, I am the first result

But wait!!! I used MSN(micropenis network hehe) cause it's another 80s Kyds reference!!!!

Hahaha 🤣😂🤣😂😂🤣😂 holy sheit!! I just posted this from me DC(DREAMCAST)!!! BUT WAIT IT WAS actually a NES(nigger crime statistics)

WWAW with browsing Niggertube(it was actually Justin.Tv) with land line(it was actually 56k modem) hehe get it you can't make a phone call while browsing nakedwoman.com because of the beep beep noise and you had to print your naked women on a dot matrix printer(what what))))
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Still spreading the O&A virus
I don't hate the show like everyone else in this thread but that whole thing with Jeff driving into the car (on purpose?) then getting arrested for robbery without having anything on him was profoundly retarded.
He has no reason for being in that neighborhood right then. The guy who was robbed can say "I took a taxi and the guy offered me water that I drank". They test him and find he was drugged at some point and it was obviously the water. Jeff goes to jail forever for three strikes laws and the judge seeing he drugged a cancer patient chargers him with attempted manslaughter or murder. Jeff gives up Saul/Gene and the cancer guy and the bartender ID Gene easily.

All Jeff needed to do was drive his car and stutter start it or jam the brakes to get the cops to look his way. Blow the stop sign or peel out or something. Instead like a retard he ties himself to the scene not only for the police seeing him but his insurance company and the insurance company of the people whose car was hit will know he was at the scene.

But the entire scenario was retarded. The drugs only last so long. By Saul going back way later to rob the place the drug wear off which anyone with a brain would know would have happened. They needed to rob the guy right when the drugs kicked in just in case he wakes up. Just awful writing. Vince Gillian must suck a ton of jew dick to get the positive press he gets.