Why are all games fucking faggot fests now?


❤️bonnie bonnie bonnie❤️
It's sad to see what they did to the Halo franchise, Microsoft's biggest IP. After Halo Reach, Bungie passed it on a company called 343 industries headed by a feminist in her 30s named Bonnie Ross, who proceeded to spend the next 12 years running it into the ground. Every Halo title launched by them has been an atrocious flop on release missing major features, but somehow she was able to keep her job until a few months ago when she resigned to "focus on family issues". They were also supposed to build an engine called the Slipspace engine to compete with Unreal, which would have been a huge money maker, but it too failed due to mismanagement, and it's likely future Halo titles will be made using Unreal.

But to your point, yes it's Jews and women
Halo 5 was the worst game I’ve ever been excited to buy at first. You can just skip a big boss fight by double jumping with your jet pack over it. Although the Battlefront beta was so bad that I didn’t buy the game, thankfully. I did really like Halo 4 though.


I miss community servers. I used to have so much fun playing TF2 with a bunch of like minded faggots
there is still a based community server out there if you ever reinstall, look for the server Kogasatopia
[URL unfurl="true"]https://www.gametracker.com/server_info/[/URL]

you can say nigger and whatever no issues. also if you can get people in a party and play public games you can still control the vote kick in tf2, so you can kick anyone who is a faggot when you want from your team. valve doesnt give a fuck
Yeah I remember playing CoD on the PS3. You'd randomly have a game where the aim assist really took over the controller and all you needed to do was pull the trigger, every shot would land and you'd have an insane game. Game after, same lobby you'd go back to normal again and have a run of 5 boring games. We noticed the aim assist always used to be set to max for a while if you hadn't logged in for a few days.
I stopped playing games when online came into being a part of them. The innocent childhood joy of spending 8 hours playing a game until you felt like shit with zero input from anyone other than maybe someone on a split screen and a parent bringing shitty food and drinks occasionally was what made it fun for me.

Now I get that solitude from exercising in the countryside. What a loser.


The Backbone of America
The last time I heard anyone say nigger in a video game online was Wreckfest, which is PFG. Was waiting in a lobby to do a demolition derby, some black kid said one word and then every other person in the lobby, adults and children, started saying nigger over and over. I actually felt really bad for the kid but I couldn't not laugh.


It's sad to see what they did to the Halo franchise, Microsoft's biggest IP. After Halo Reach, Bungie passed it on a company called 343 industries headed by a feminist in her 30s named Bonnie Ross, who proceeded to spend the next 12 years running it into the ground. Every Halo title launched by them has been an atrocious flop on release missing major features, but somehow she was able to keep her job until a few months ago when she resigned to "focus on family issues". They were also supposed to build an engine called the Slipspace engine to compete with Unreal, which would have been a huge money maker, but it too failed due to mismanagement, and it's likely future Halo titles will be made using Unreal.

But to your point, yes it's Jews and women
Talk about not knowing your audience/customer base:

"Ross argues that game developers have a "personal responsibility" to avoid gendered stereotyping in their games, as well as taking action against sexist abuse. She recalled that for every character in Halo 4, "we were very deliberate in thinking about who should be female and who should be male in the game, and if we came off stereotypical, we went back to question what we were doing and why." Ross has also focused on introducing more racial and gender diversity to the video games."

Harry's Manly Calvester

Wetting Zoomers since 2023
Talk about not knowing your audience/customer base:

"Ross argues that game developers have a "personal responsibility" to avoid gendered stereotyping in their games, as well as taking action against sexist abuse. She recalled that for every character in Halo 4, "we were very deliberate in thinking about who should be female and who should be male in the game, and if we came off stereotypical, we went back to question what we were doing and why." Ross has also focused on introducing more racial and gender diversity to the video games."


❤️bonnie bonnie bonnie❤️
Talk about not knowing your audience/customer base:

"Ross argues that game developers have a "personal responsibility" to avoid gendered stereotyping in their games, as well as taking action against sexist abuse. She recalled that for every character in Halo 4, "we were very deliberate in thinking about who should be female and who should be male in the game, and if we came off stereotypical, we went back to question what we were doing and why." Ross has also focused on introducing more racial and gender diversity to the video games."
I was smoking so much weed at the time that I must not have even noticed. Although to be fair I only played online.


They targeted gamers.


The Arm

Fire stalk with me.
I play cities skylines and try to build my white utopia. Unfortunately, there is always traffic.
Traffic and population are broken. If you use mods to fix it, you get no achievements. And that's why I don't play it anymore.