Why are all games fucking faggot fests now?


An honourable man.
They’re all le epic bacon ^___^ Reddit

They all have harsh skill based matchmaking so shit players can think they’re good and spend money on skins of cat ears and other gay shit.

It used to be if you weren’t good you got demolished and abused and it was super fun. You used to buy the game and it worked and didn’t have to keep paying for it.

There’s nothing as fun as joining games and everyone is screaming at each other calling them niggers and stuff.

Why is it everything so fucking gay now?

Turk February

Our experiences exceed yours.
Well, you see, a while ago some American women invented lesbians. And lesbians decided women can do everything men can, even though it's an objectively absurd claim. These lesbians became so powerful they bullied every industry in the world to compensate for women, and as such, your video games were ruined.
Aside from the obvious trannies and women infesting and rotting the industry, the thing about matchmakers being horseshit for years now is because of "engagement". These diabolical assholes want you playing as much as possible (and therefore more likely to spend money) so they hired psychologists and data scientists to perfect their skinner boxes.

Games aren't being made to be made as fun as possible, they're made to be only as fun as to keep you playing.

Example: A few years ago League of Legends had a game mode that was much faster than the normal mode. Players loved it. They got rid of it. Why? Players were getting their fix for the day and logging off, so lower "engagement" even though they were having much more fun.

For matchmakers specifically, there was a paper published about the specific patterns that keep people playing. It was grouped into threes. Basically a win-loss-loss or something similar was the best because you wanted to keep playing until you won again. Some games will even fuck with the balance to make extra sure you lose like you're "supposed" to.

And that's just the stuff they tell us. If a game has a cash shop, don't play it.


Well, you see, a while ago some American women invented lesbians. And lesbians decided women can do everything men can, even though it's an objectively absurd claim. These lesbians became so powerful they bullied every industry in the world to compensate for women, and as such, your video games were ruined.
And then incel men evolved into trannies to bully the lesbians and restore order. The trannies then kill themselves after they accomplish this like a bee dying after it stings.


An honourable man.
Aside from the obvious trannies and women infesting and rotting the industry, the thing about matchmakers being horseshit for years now is because of "engagement". These diabolical assholes want you playing as much as possible (and therefore more likely to spend money) so they hired psychologists and data scientists to perfect their skinner boxes.

Games aren't being made to be made as fun as possible, they're made to be only as fun as to keep you playing.

Example: A few years ago League of Legends had a game mode that was much faster than the normal mode. Players loved it. They got rid of it. Why? Players were getting their fix for the day and logging off, so lower "engagement" even though they were having much more fun.

For matchmakers specifically, there was a paper published about the specific patterns that keep people playing. It was grouped into threes. Basically a win-loss-loss or something similar was the best because you wanted to keep playing until you won again. Some games will even fuck with the balance to make extra sure you lose like you're "supposed" to.

And that's just the stuff they tell us. If a game has a cash shop, don't play it.

I used to be a gaming goblin, I was an MLG 50 in halo 3, a diamond in overwatch, I’ve been diamond in R6 siege and valorant.

I don’t play much these days but I have enough muscle memory from those times that I’m quite good at most shooters, the match making is an absolutely horrible experience now. I will lose 7 out of 10 games and play badly in 1 of them, the rest I’ll lose 50-49 or something that close but have two team mates go -30 combined while I go +25. The other team will have 4 average players with nobody doing badly.

It’s that sort of thing in every game, it doesn’t want me to win and I know it, you can’t even Smurf anymore because it seems to pick up your ability almost immediately now, whatever they’re doing they’ve gone it down to a fucking science to put you in your skill bracket.


An honourable man.
Just play old stuff at this point. Been playing PS1 RPGs and it's very refreshing. Characters saying retard and no woke shit. PFG.

I agree and I bought a switch to play some old rpg’s and retro Nintendo games and I love it but I just haven’t got the time anymore, I just want to play some arena PVP but it’s just the most frustrating fucking bullshit now. If you’re a good player you’re actively punished and fucked with so you lose all the time.


I liked being bad at online games. You usually find someone who is good and willing to help you out and let you join their squad as their comic relief.

I remember being horrible at Halo 2 but and my squad would just send me out to find a spot to hide and try to listen to the other teams communications or just zip around on a ghost and run over enemies who are distracted and shooting at someone else.
They’re all le epic bacon ^___^ Reddit

They all have harsh skill based matchmaking so shit players can think they’re good and spend money on skins of cat ears and other gay shit.

It used to be if you weren’t good you got demolished and abused and it was super fun. You used to buy the game and it worked and didn’t have to keep paying for it.

There’s nothing as fun as joining games and everyone is screaming at each other calling them niggers and stuff.

Why is it everything so fucking gay now?
Jews and women. A study came out that showed for the average player having a 50-50 win/loss ratio was more engaging and retained more players than actual skill-based match making. Faggots disliked winning four in a row as much as they disliked losing four in a row. SJW shit came out and made everyone a faggot who couldn't handle bants because they'd all become acclimatized to safe spaces and hug boxes. Constant DLC and microtransactions give the player a instant dopamine hit and tie it a sunk-cost fallacy so now they don't want to stop playing the shitty game because they've invested a stupid amount of money into it. Also women came in, lowered the skill ceiling massively and shit everything up like they do with everything else they touch. And women bring simps.

I don't play online games anymore.


Jews and women. A study came out that showed for the average player having a 50-50 win/loss ratio was more engaging and retained more players than actual skill-based match making. Faggots disliked winning four in a row as much as they disliked losing four in a row. SJW shit came out and made everyone a faggot who couldn't handle bants because they'd all become acclimatized to safe spaces and hug boxes. Constant DLC and microtransactions give the player a instant dopamine hit and tie it a sunk-cost fallacy so now they don't want to stop playing the shitty game because they've invested a stupid amount of money into it. Also women came in, lowered the skill ceiling massively and shit everything up like they do with everything else they touch. And women bring simps.

I don't play online games anymore.

It's sad to see what they did to the Halo franchise, Microsoft's biggest IP. After Halo Reach, Bungie passed it on a company called 343 industries headed by a feminist in her 30s named Bonnie Ross, who proceeded to spend the next 12 years running it into the ground. Every Halo title launched by them has been an atrocious flop on release missing major features, but somehow she was able to keep her job until a few months ago when she resigned to "focus on family issues". They were also supposed to build an engine called the Slipspace engine to compete with Unreal, which would have been a huge money maker, but it too failed due to mismanagement, and it's likely future Halo titles will be made using Unreal.

But to your point, yes it's Jews and women

Carl Winslow

I'm not a Fed
I just ordered this shirt lol:



They’re all le epic bacon ^___^ Reddit

They all have harsh skill based matchmaking so shit players can think they’re good and spend money on skins of cat ears and other gay shit.

It used to be if you weren’t good you got demolished and abused and it was super fun. You used to buy the game and it worked and didn’t have to keep paying for it.

There’s nothing as fun as joining games and everyone is screaming at each other calling them niggers and stuff.

Why is it everything so fucking gay now?
I think they still play pretty good. At least we aren’t anth
