White wahmen hate thread


I see penises everywhere


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Nice emotional overreaction to absolutely nothing and losing your leg, stupid.

[URL unfurl="true"]https://nypost.com/2024/02/16/us-news/idaho-teen-kennedy-littledike-hung-from-power-line-with-broken-leg-for-an-hour/[/URL]
That's hilarious. Crashed the car, got ejected 50 feet into the air, landed on a telephone wire and was then immediately electrocuted. Some looney tunes shit.


I see penises everywhere

I was thinking that maybe it was mountainous or something...but the pictures of the accident didn't appear to show ledges or anything.

So yeah, she wasn't wearing a seat belt, neither of her friends were either and she was just crying and then ejected herself 30 feet into the air.

I really hate how the news has no details for skeptics of any kind. You're just supposed to swallow the drivel. "Yeah, she swerved left and overcorrected." Uh huh.


View attachment 183175
I was thinking that maybe it was mountainous or something...but the pictures of the accident didn't appear to show ledges or anything.

So yeah, she wasn't wearing a seat belt, neither of her friends were either and she was just crying and then ejected herself 30 feet into the air.

I really hate how the news has no details for skeptics of any kind. You're just supposed to swallow the drivel. "Yeah, she swerved left and overcorrected." Uh huh.
Obviously speeding too. Teenage girl with no seatbelt and likely distracted by her phone.


Stand Alone Fruit
Young men still have friends through their faggot video games. Women have social media where all they do is compare their looks with each other and fight for more attention from indian men.
That’s what I figured, funny you say video games because I was in the office today and the cube behind me a guy was talking another guy on his team (guys are late 20s / 30s) and one said he couldn’t wait for the new MLB game and talked video games. Guys I see around the office usual walk / eat lunch together and it’s things they did / going to do this weekend / movie or tv they watched last night / sports etc. but the women in the same age group just complain and spend their day scrolling on their phones.