White wahmen hate thread

Build Black Better

Just say no to crack but yes to parmesan


This woman driver sounds like a spic, but it belongs in the wahmen hate thread because they sure know how to eat donuts but just can't do donuts. It requires hand-eye coordination, and the only type of hand-eye coordination that women have is applying a shit ton of makeup, especially the spics.

Street takeovers are 99% spic, right?

Say spic again, dick

Build Black Better

Just say no to crack but yes to parmesan
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View attachment 171735

This woman driver sounds like a spic, but it belongs in the wahmen hate thread because they sure know how to eat donuts but just can't do donuts. It requires hand-eye coordination, and the only type of hand-eye coordination that women have is applying a shit ton of makeup, especially the spics.

Street takeovers are 99% spic, right?

Say spic again, dick

Yep. Puta gorda. Just as I predicted, knows how to eat donuts but can't do them.

medium wyzzz

Between the weekly dog fucking and kid fucking, I just can't keep up with the reporting on these bitches in heat.

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I'm shocked that for once, they're actually calling it rape instead of some romantic sounding euphemism. That school sure knows how to pick their award winners. Maybe they picked her for her future rape potential, just like the Nobel committee picked Obama for his future potential to "peacefully" rape America.
Just took a look at this again.
What a fuckin pussy that kid is.
He’s either a pussy, or a snake; what normal 17/18 year old would reject sex.