White poeple hate thread


Incel imposter cyber atalker
We're a bunch of cucked faggots. They make nigger and kike hate threads that detail how they are actively destroying us but yet we doing nothing about it. Nothing, except whine on the internet. What a disgrace


it's always white people who let their dogs off leash at the park. so fawking annoying that they can't follow the rules. other races seem to keep their dogs on a leash.
They’re also the ones who look like complete assholes when it’s drizzling at 715 in the morning walking around with a baggie over their hand ready to pick up some steamy golden retriever shit and walk with it
Fucking barbarians
At least nogs just leave it there


Yes and they always have to tell you it was a rescue. Like i asked what kind of dog it is, not how you got it.
Why do you care what kind of dog it is?
are women like little kids on halloween, they just cant help but get excited and are automatically smitten with a fuckin mutt?
Womyn are the worst creatures sometimes