Where we at with the Chucky tv series?


Formerly know as Fat Abbot
I had hope since Don Mancini was involved, but 15 minutes in and this shit is going downhill quick. Of course they made the kid an actual faggot who's into making doll sculptures and has a big pride flag in his room.

Update: 20 minutes in. Chucky hasn't killed anyone. It has a gay pop soundtrack and the kid has a crush on a nigger. it stinks!


Crumbly feta is not God's Plan
CGI Chucky isn't as menacing looking as 80s Chucky. And now theres a grown woman thats part Chucky as well? I may check it out for novelty and nostalgia. Next time they make a Friday the 13th movie, Jason will probably only kill white people or reveal he was always in love with Tommy Jarvis or whatever.


Formerly know as Fat Abbot
I don't know what the fuck that was, but more of the episode focused on the kid being gay than it did on Chucky. It even ended with a PSA saying "If you are being bullied, go to the GLAAD website for help". Everything is woke and shit now.


don't call me scarface
