Where we at with new OnA youtubers pushing vaccine propaganda?

based and white pilled

America, be very careful.


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based and white pilled

America, be very careful.
They are as narcissistic as Opie and believe they are "thought leaders" in our gay community. Like we're going to see that and say "Yes, that man who uploads clips he had no hand in creating is certainly worthy of our respect."
There's another new guy called speaking for funny. He seems to think everyone cares about his takes because he hit 1k subs, he posted a receipt of his 800 dollar microphone. These people are faggots

based and white pilled

America, be very careful.
ofc this douche has a patreon and tip jar

Subscribe for great FULL NOPIE EPISODES and NOPIE-FIED classic bits! Gain access to Nopiefied content a week early, episode recommendations, and exclusive content on Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/classicnopie?fan_landing=true Leave a comment/tip for suggestions! paypal.me/classicnopie2 (all currencies accepted) Also, I can't stand Lady Di, Marion, stlaker Patti, Sandy Kane, or Twitchels, so no bits including them.
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For the last time, I am NOT Frank Grimes!
I learned a very important bit of advice 25 years ago, from Mike Rutherford of all people: "People may love you or hate you, but they'll hate you even more if you use a platform to push your opinions on them."

I'm not even really anti-vaccine, though I can understand people questioning validity - science is ever evolving. But this guy here is a fucking YouTuber, and barely that. He just hosts old clips, and still he feels people want to hear his opinions? To quote my least favorite man on Earth, Genesis manager Tony Smith: " Fuck right off on yer ass."

Punished Dan Mullen

Calamari Ring Leader
Imagine doing this for free just leave people alone

Was very strange when big corps giving out free treats over this but now even your regular retards are trying to push this

Very communist shit turning people against each other. It's the unvaxxed retards stopping you from working, going out and forcing you to triple mask, not the government doing all this lol

Chive Turkey

Erock Army Deserter
Figures the Nopie guy is a massive faggot.

ofc this douche has a patreon and tip jar
Funny that he has his number of patrons hidden when I'm pretty sure it's on by default. That's a sure sign his numbahs are embarassingly low and he's trying to trick people into donating.

Also, I can't stand Lady Di, Marion, atalker Patti, Sandy Kane, or Twitchels, so no bits including them.
Notice how the two characters conspicuously absent from the lineup are Bobo and Big A, the only two Compound regulars.

Ballwasher extraordinaire. Are we sure he isn't on Nana's payroll? It would be a decent scheme for him to make a few pennies from content that he otherwise has no legal ownership of, were it not that nobody gives a shit anymore.


choke you to sleep, slap you awake
I love the logic where they try to make the vaccine sound appealing by saying they were only sick for a few days so it's perfectly safe. Yeah shit head you know how else I can accomplish that? Getting actual covid

I've decided my reason for refusing the vaccine is I want to make the people most apt to get the vaccine have to keep getting new ones.