Where we at with da Taliban...


Holding hands in a circle of N-words
At first glance, it looked like these guys were wearing yeezys and I thought "You motherfuckers..."
They’re doing the same thing they did during 9/11. Trying to make American boomers that have never been to war, enraged and want to come back to the desert. “Theyre makin fun of our flagggg! Lets getemm boyyyys!”
Meanwhile anyone thats actually been to Iraq/Afghanistan doesnt give a fuck and wants the streetshitters to slaughter each other


May St. Mel bless you
Civilian airports are impossible to defend. They cover a large area and are only protected by a fence. We had an airbase that would have been well suited for these mass evacuations, but Biden had that closed...while we still had thousands of people in the country.

Oopsie doopsies.