When you’re a huge baseball fan but…

Uncle Anthony Cumia

Hot tubs, guns and slack jawed brothers
This is like when a kid loves Power Rangers but then their sworn playground enemy also loves Power Rangers so they decide Power Rangers is stupid. The only difference is that when a six year old does it everyone laughs and sends them on their way
You’re talking about something that there’s only one of. There’s 30 teams in Major League Baseball. You have more choice in this situation. I mean there’s a Schadenfreud for everyone here when the Brewers or Packers lose and Pat cries on twitter lol.


I really wanna like the Milwaukee Brewers this year. They’re a solid team with some great pieces and it’s all coming together. However being the favorite team of an annoying cunt is ruining my appetite to actually want to see that team succeed. I can’t stomach Patrick actually getting a win in life, even if it’s a baseball team winning the World Series.
This post oddly made me watch my first brewers game of the season. I’ve been following the box scores, but find myself doing a quick 48 hour trip in Milwaukee this weekend and turned on them to sweep the White Sox.

Fun team. There’s a few brothermen who like them, and every year them or the packers get booted in disappointing fashion from the playoffs, I take solace knowing Patrick’s night of playing with his Chinese Plastic dinosaur is more pathetic. No reason to not enjoy the team. It’s just faggy ass sports anyway.


Fat bitch with faggot tits
As self identifications go, which team you are a fan of is probably one of the most meaningless. Anyone who genuinely cares either way about a particular team in any sport is just being a faggot. Its just like genuinely caring about what happens in any TV show.
Dey got BIG, MEATY bats


May St. Mel bless you
The Bucks surprised everyone by winning the NBA championship not that long ago. How’s Pat’s life been since then?