This does nothing to discredit what I said about the economic phenomenon in Germany after Jews were removed from their positions in the early 1930s to early 40s, nor of European advances during the period of
Jewish quotas. Which reminds me
of this post that anticipates an argument along your track
Is it now? And since you did that little wikipedia dig, I'll repeat what I said in the thread linked above: All of your views on this matter are entirely the byproduct of reading the first 3 pages of a google search on this subject. I myself held these views at one point, I know how it happens
If 2 million East Africans went to a country of 300 million X-ians, where, despite being slower on average, there were 400,000 X-ians capable of doing a 5 minute mile and 30,000 of those 2 million East Africans were capable of doing a 5 minute mile, you would wonder what happened to that 370,000 native X-ians capable of such a feat that they aren't showing up to the competition to edge out the East Africans.
What's going on there?
We can go on and on repeating this point, so I'll get to the heart of it
How many 145-160+ IQ people are there between White Europeans and Ashkenazi Jews? How many more of this group do Jews have? The number is vanishingly small. By your logic either the 115-135 IQ range jews cooperating in brainwashing is enough to achieve this goal (reminder that there are more White Europeans in this IQ bracket than Jews exist on the planet), or that extreme intelligence is needed above that, and that though though the number of Jews in that IQ range is small, it is larger than the total number of White Europeans in that bracket (we're talking less than 1000) and they are coordinating towards a group-interested end. And because they have more in that 145-160+ range than White Europeans, therefore they have won.
I don't want you to believe anything. The case is being made, it could be made by AI, or a committee, you don't have to conceive of "me" at all. But since you did, I sense you are inquisitive enough to look into the issue and that you came out of that personal research regurgitating a predictable set of key words, phrases, anecdotes, an token bits of logic that indicate successful indoctrination.