Whats the point of having a secret lair


the Gentleman's sissy hypno
Is El Chapo’s Fag House still around? I remember they could be hella retarded too back when this place was still on Reddit.
their "community" 's schtick was flirting around with 2016 era alt right personalites and online places

now they're on twitter all alone since everyone actually funny or transgressive, which is what they imagine themselves to be, has been banned. Nobody knows, cares, or talks about them because they're incapable of creating controversial takes or good comedy on their own

banning that faggot subreddit was a token, vast majority of the list of the 200 or whatever banned subs were to do with race, evidence and propaganda about The Great Replacement, jews, MDE, etc etc

Punished Dan Mullen

Calamari Ring Leader

Gayest fanbase in comedy. I don't think there's a subreddit that I hate more. They're incapable of being funny or discerning obvious sarcasm. Kind of just a bunch of Tomlinsons.
do the show still talk about dad dick non stop?

i remember making a thread called "dad dick afternoon" on that sub cause they were an afternoon show or something


the Gentleman's sissy hypno
Don't forget to check out u/spititoutsocratesx20 on r/cumtownchat. You can see me write "hell yeah, dude" five times a day.
active reddit poster feel a little triggered?

i have an account there but don't post or read. To own an account on reddit is to internalize their rules and follow them, to cuckold yourself to tranny/jew moderators because you are accustomed to the socialization the website offers and are willing to play ball as the price paid. Or you're just a faggot who never raises alarm bells bc faggot

e: I wrote thsi thinking you were hitting on me for being gay enough to have a cumtown.org account. Nevermind, lol


active reddit poster feel a little triggered?

i have an account there but don't post or read. To own an account on reddit is to internalize their rules and follow them, to cuckold yourself to tranny/jew moderators because you are accustomed to the socialization the website offers and are willing to play ball as the price paid. Or you're just a faggot who never raises alarm bells bc faggot

e: I wrote thsi thinking you were hitting on me for being gay enough to have a cumtown.org account. Nevermind, lol
Now apologize for being rude.


i didnt know that video was about mike enoch when i posted it

i use this forum to play videos

cause embedded youtube videos play here when i switch windows or lock my phone

when i posted that video, i didnt know it had anything to do with anything, i still dont know who mike enoch is besides he hosts the daily shoah? or the right side? im not sure

you asked me what i knew of mike enoch and i said the same shit i just said now

and you got butt hurt


the Gentleman's sissy hypno
i didnt know that video was about mike enoch when i posted it

i use this forum to play videos

cause embedded youtube videos play here when i switch windows or lock my phone

when i posted that video, i didnt know it had anything to do with anything, i still dont know who mike enoch is besides he hosts the daily shoah? or the right side? im not sure

you asked me what i knew of mike enoch and i said the same shit i just said now

and you got butt hurt


asian pat shoops
asian anthony jim and opie

lots of of material there


Boys! BOYS! Now we three had an agreement that I'd let you both see my asshole but that I'm beholden to neither of you. If you can't respect that agreement than I'm done with you both.


Which way?! Medium or well done?
if you want to fuck with a cumia ballwasher sub try r/whoarethesepodcasts, they banned me cause i posted what Anth been up to these past few years, got them so mad hehe
I guess it's time for a reminder that American taxpayers had to pay men with guns to visit anthony's home since he couldn't behave and bit a young girl