What’s going on with Conor McGregor?


Still spreading the O&A virus
He's an alcoholic on top of the roids. An alcoholic Mick. Knock me down with a feather duster.
As others have mentioned it is really the cocaine and the roids more than the booze and whiskey. He runs with an Irish cocaine dealer pretty much constantly. I would bet that he has a mid six figure a year drug habit especially, if you factor in the roids and private doctors to test him. One of his Irish cocaine suppliers torched the car of a girl that Conor raped and stalked her to get her to be silent.
Boxing totally fucked his career up. How could you possibly be motivated for UFC when you got paid a career high by a long way to fight a retired boxer?
Because he gets paid millions to fight in the UFC and could still win fights and maybe even win another belt. Boxing killed his ability to fight because he lost his ground game and karate base. Guy fights completely flat footed now and doesn't even use his karate stance anymore. No more wheel kicks or side kicks or long shots. He is a basic boxer with like a three minute gas tank.
Because he gets paid millions to fight in the UFC and could still win fights and maybe even win another belt. Boxing killed his ability to fight because he lost his ground game and karate base. Guy fights completely flat footed now and doesn't even use his karate stance anymore. No more wheel kicks or side kicks or long shots. He is a basic boxer with like a three minute gas tank.
He literally got paid more to play fight with a retired Mayweather than his whole UFC career in total.