What's everyone doing this summer?

My summer is gonna be great.

Non-stop golfing & wakeboarding, camping trip Memorial Day weekend, camping for a week in July, got a jiu jitsu tournament, a trip to Manchester, two trips out to Colorado for the Garden of the Gods 10k and the Pikes Peak Ascent, a fun mini triathlon in July.

Enjoy the festivals brotherman!
This fat guy from Milwaukee told me about a marathon/triathlon hack: if there's a section where the route loops back on itself you can just skip it. If someone points out that you cheated just call them a little baby girl.
I was going to be away until June but came back early due to illness with friends and family so have nothing major lined up til then now. Going to Spain for 2 weeks then Germany

Hoping to squeeze in some test match cricket and will be walking around the peak district in my free time


I want to end a family
At least they aren't Philips games.

Turry Fawks

Seven toothbrushes
Bit of camping, have to teach the kid to ride her bike and take her cruising and I'd like to catch a rodeo and a lumberjack competition - show the kids what TRUE CANADIANA is @Turk February comment? Milk-bagging motherfucker