What exactly does 5 sinks mean?

Sue Lightning

Think about it. Did Dan mean he has 5 bathrooms? Because thats impressive but excessive. Did he mean 5 sinks in general? He could have like 3 bathrooms then the kitchen sink and another one, again, not that impressive. He didn’t even specify working sinks. Maybe he just has one bathroom and then 4 sitting in his backyard. Dan please clarify this for us.

Uncle J’s Sink Emporium

Enjoy prison, Y’munkoke



Gen Z Boss And A Mini
Since he limited it to bathrooms, I can actually say that I have more sinks than he does in my house.

I also don't regularly eat $400-500 meals at Aria, though, so he's got me there.

Still, the more sinks he has, the more Flavia has to clean. Seems it'd be nice of him to get rid of a sink or two, for her.

Harry's Manly Calvester

Wetting Zoomers since 2023
Think about it. Did Dan mean he has 5 bathrooms? Because thats impressive but excessive. Did he mean 5 sinks in general? He could have like 3 bathrooms then the kitchen sink and another one, again, not that impressive. He didn’t even specify working sinks. Maybe he just has one bathroom and then 4 sitting in his backyard. Dan please clarify this for us.
The master is a double based on the house pictures, so I assume the breakdown is:

2 in the master bathroom
1 in the second floor shared
1 on the first floor
1 in the basement.