I disagree. You can't talk the way you used to 15 years ago. And I'm not saying you could call niggers niggers then, but I'm saying you could definitely be a lot more honest then as opposed to now. I'd say 8 out of 10 people have been effected in one way or another. Most people can't even handle getting their balls broke anymore. There has definitely been a societal decline and it's not just online. It's like some unspoken agreement was come to where we had to trade in honesty for insincere pleasantries.No, child. They don't. Talk to any random person out in the real world and they'll likely think trannies are weird at the least and most people are sick of niggers constantly rioting. Andnim saying this from Portland, OR. Which is full of liberal douchebags. The average person doesn't care about this shit. The Internet just gives faggots like Pat a louder voice. And even faggots like pat don't actually care.