What are your favorite "Why us?" tweets?

CuntFucker .

Come on. He's a comedian. That's how they deal with fucked up shit, you know.



Life of my story
Every single tweet he makes about Annabelle. Fucker has money for toys and vacations but can't scrape together a family lawyer to even at least attempt to hammer out increased visitation with his daughter.
He probably doesn't even need that. If he just contacted Ade and said he'd like to at least try to have a relationship with his daughter, and wasn't the uber dickhead he is all the time, thatd probably get the ball rolling. No money, no cost, just time, effort, and humility. All things Pat will never understand or appreciate.

"Hi Adrien, I lost my mind after you left me. I'm ready to be an adult now."

Simple as that.


Dan doesn't have a penis. I. Do.
Wasn’t there a tweet by a father about a prenatal screening for Downs ending up being a false positive, and yet Pat told him that he and his wife made the wrong choice having the baby?
All of his tweets at the parents of that girl who is severely disabled about doing cocaine and weird sexual innuendos too. One time the mom said she was too tired for jokes so he went back in harder. Absolute cunt.

Uncle J’s Sink Emporium

Enjoy prison, Y’munkoke
All of his tweets at the parents of that girl who is severely disabled about doing cocaine and weird sexual innuendos too. One time the mom said she was too tired for jokes so he went back in harder. Absolute cunt.
Want to make it even worse?



Dan doesn't have a penis. I. Do.
Want to make it even worse?

God damn...