What are some mild psychological problems you have?


Boqnaldo (Parody account)
I stand by diddling my thumbs as sociopaths continue a never ending harassment campaign of a sci fi author mostly because his self-confidence rubs them the wrong way. I mock them from time to time, but only when they step over bounds with me, never (or rarely) when they mess with the poor sci-fi author from Milwaukee.

I think its more a mild "moral compass" problem, idk...
I stand by diddling my thumbs as sociopaths continue a never ending harassment campaign of a sci fi author mostly because his self-confidence rubs them the wrong way. I mock them from time to time, but only when they step over bounds with me, never (or rarely) when they mess with the poor sci-fi author from Milwaukee.

I think its more a mild "moral compass" problem, idk...
you know I don't mind you per se, but I don't think this the can of worms you should be opening, Sir


Joe's Filipino Supervisor
I have face blindness too, in the sense that twins almost always look different to me. I understand they look alike, but never identical. If I ever had to describe someone to a cop and they do they drawing? Well, it would be a mess because I don't see eye color ever, long or round faces, high cheek bones sunken eyes etc.
I'm tone deaf too