What are some mild psychological problems you have?

Probably the wrong place to ask about MILD psychological problems. :ROFLMAO:

But seriously though.

I have mild facial blindness. It's not too bad, but if I meet a man for a minute or two at work and them see him outside of work and he's had a shave or is wearing a hat? Forget about it.

I'm also really bad with middle aged to elderly women. They just all look the same to me. My next door neighbour is a nice woman but she's... average height. Average hair. Average shoes. If I bumped into her anywhere but a 100-meter radius around my house I literally would not know who she was. Give me a hook. Give me a reason to care.

Turry Fawks

Good evening cowards
I'm probably much ruder IRL than I am on here, which means I've always got some karma due... & it occasionally happens
I'm a lot better about it now that I've got kids - have to set a good example. I don't even swear in front of them. I still have a bad habit of reacting without thinking first though. The other day I hurt my mother in law's feelings pretty badly and had to be informed about it so I could apologize.
I'm a lot better about it now that I've got kids - have to set a good example. I don't even swear in front of them. I still have a bad habit of reacting without thinking first though. The other day I hurt my mother in law's feelings pretty badly and had to be informed about it so I could apologize.
I don't really swear a lot & I'm a lot better now, but when I used to drink a lot I'd think funny over-rules everything, no matter how insulting or inappropriate.
I'm much more chill recently, but I feel like I should flex that muscle occasionally... I've got ideas