Watched Kitchen Commando


Formerly know as Fat Abbot
I tried giving this a watch because Ramsey produced it and I was hoping it would be least something mildly amusing to put on in the background since I loved Kitchen Nightmares, but this shit blows. I've watched three episodes It's not even so over the top it's funny, it's just fucking boring. The host has no personality and they try to play way too much into his military career for no reason. Why the fuck do I want to watch these people doing push ups?! The restaurants don't even look that bad as much as just they serve bland average food. I like Gordon, but what is he doing producing this horseshit?! No wonder this ended up on Tubi



Love me some kitchen nightmares, try the British version it’s superior to the American one. WWAW British shows having to add sixteen extra chromosomes to their television shows in order to properly retardify them for American audiences?
I've mentioned it here before and I have never been able to find it again but there was some scene with Gordon bringing his hand down in a slapping motion on Hells Kitchen and they set it up by having a floating ball of light come across the screen and him smacking it down. It was so absurd I just remember my brother and I in tears laughing at it. Fuck do I want to find that again.

Former Prez Gerald Ford

Come over and we’ll have nachos. And some beer.
I've watched both version multiple times. Love both for different versions
I like both versions too, I just think it’s funny how they had to make it into a kitchen soap opera basically to bring it to the states. I’ll watch Gordon Ramsay in anything, he always finds interesting and creative ways to tell people their food is dogshit. My favorite part of kitchen nightmares was watching him go through the walk ins and freezers and just stick his hands right into everything… he would always be like wot the fuck is this m8 there’s a dead mouse floating in this bucket of moldy expired tomato sauce, I’m about to go elbow deep into this mother fucker and sift around and see what else is in it. And then he’s got his nose into it smelling it and gagging like… why? Lmao that shit would always get me howling


Formerly know as Fat Abbot
I like both versions too, I just think it’s funny how they had to make it into a kitchen soap opera basically to bring it to the states. I’ll watch Gordon Ramsay in anything, he always finds interesting and creative ways to tell people their food is dogshit. My favorite part of kitchen nightmares was watching him go through the walk ins and freezers and just stick his hands right into everything… he would always be like wot the fuck is this m8 there’s a dead mouse floating in this bucket of moldy expired tomato sauce, I’m about to go elbow deep into this mother fucker and sift around and see what else is in it. And then he’s got his nose into it smelling it and gagging like… why? Lmao that shit would always get me howling
Him going through nasty walk ins was so fucking funny


Glow nigger. Got any of those IPs for me?
I like both versions too, I just think it’s funny how they had to make it into a kitchen soap opera basically to bring it to the states. I’ll watch Gordon Ramsay in anything, he always finds interesting and creative ways to tell people their food is dogshit. My favorite part of kitchen nightmares was watching him go through the walk ins and freezers and just stick his hands right into everything… he would always be like wot the fuck is this m8 there’s a dead mouse floating in this bucket of moldy expired tomato sauce, I’m about to go elbow deep into this mother fucker and sift around and see what else is in it. And then he’s got his nose into it smelling it and gagging like… why? Lmao that shit would always get me howling
Bad news about the latest hells kitchen season. SPOILER ALERTS!

They seem to have had the budget slashed. Watch carefully and they are just reheating most of the food, they dont do a lot of real cooking anymore. Even raw chicken just gets reheated when it used to be a sin. They hardly throw anything out now. The rewards are also crap now. It's like a night out bowling and shit like that. If you consider the prize vs inflation that hasn't kept up either. The blind taste test event that used to be great was a big failure.

Ratings are down a lot so they are attaching him to other shows to try and keep the money going.

Former Prez Gerald Ford

Come over and we’ll have nachos. And some beer.
Him going through nasty walk ins was so fucking funny

Horrendous. Imagine running a restaurant, charging people money to eat that shit and then having the balls to talk to Gordy like that? Why do they always say “today”? Nigger, it’s covered in fucking mold what the fuck are you talking about “today”. “I wasn’t going to serve it to the public” lol fucking clown. I’m gonna go watch this show right now it really is the best