Today on Twitter

Black Pat

Whacky nigster
Patrick wants sand niggers to invade the USA and rape women, pillage the welfare system, and commit suicide bombings.


Disfruta de la prison


You are not my little brother

Selling more NFTs to finance his child pornography habit


Enjoy prison


Hot take: Trump's an orange nigger and the country's already ruined.

There's a fat brown turd in the lemonade and it ain't going away. Create another Platinum Plan for niggers, vax half the country, and give Pat and Niki $45,000 for free, you fat narcissistic faggot.
Yeah, it's over because of weak nihilists like you. The decent people are outnumbered and hold no real power.

Go give another 2 trillion to Ukisreal fucktard.


He poisons himself and expects the world to die.
God I hope Trump wins because liberals protest vote. If they get good enough numbuhs to actually swing the results, it will be the end of dinosaur partisan hacks like pat and he will always be on the record as violently against it.