This is what the garden of a six figure earning author looks like


Here’s what pisses me off. I’ll own up to the fact in my early years owning a house, a few places I went to shit.
But I also was in my 20s, legit made 6 figures, and worked 60 hours a week.

fatty can’t say any of that. You don’t have a fucking job. You don’t do anything. Why not take care of your wife’s house?

now he brags he managed to stay sober past 11am for once to put some mild manual labor in? Go fuck yourself you cunt.


The gunslinger.
Jesus, his house looks like some stark depressing Soviet Union era social housing estate. It’s honestly depressing. Some slavs squatting in it smoking questionably sourced tobacco roll ups would fit the aesthetic perfectly.


Heresch's da ting, he could be a multi-millionaire and he'd still be fundamentally incompetent.

Homeless people organize their shopping cart cans better than he does his garden. They learn to pick the best refrigerator box to sleep in. They can be complete lunatics with hopeless drug addictions but still manage to get along with other homeless people.
Notice he never said he did the work; only that the work got done. How many Mexicans did he pick up at Home Depot for the gig?
Pat is very transparent. He is purposely vague and implying that he did the work but left room for manuvering if he gets called out. Nobody believes he did this. He'd have a detailed account of himself working along with selfies if he did.