This is just sad.


Sue Lightning

It's not new. He's been trying to go viral with this nonsense for years.

@Gronez_Bambatta please kill yourself immediately for liking that tweet.
I love how everytime someone brings up Doug Bell the immediate reaction is someone thinking its new then finding out he’s been doing it for years. The character is so irrelevant and unfunny even us who are supposed to keep up to date on the unfunny nonsense these fucks put out couldnt even be bothered.


For someone who made it their livelihood, worm never did understand comedy, did he?
Man, this is a really good comment. Because even when he was funny he rarely understood exactly why. He would often think that the most perverted aspects of his character were the funniest, and sometimes they were, but because of the absurdity. Not the perversion.

This is why he thrives when he is surrounded by other people who are also funny. He can’t carry anything on his own. For example, he’s a terrible writer. He’s best going back-and-forth with other comics, Anthony, etc. He’s incapable of being funny in a straight line.
I love how everytime someone brings up Doug Bell the immediate reaction is someone thinking its new then finding out he’s been doing it for years. The character is so irrelevant and unfunny even us who are supposed to keep up to date on the unfunny nonsense these fucks put out couldnt even be bothered.
Worth remembering that Norton blamed OpieRadio for less and less people showing up to his shows and watching his videos. I guess time makes fools.of us all ehh Jim?


Gen Z Boss And A Mini
He said on da show a lot that South Park could get away with crass things because it was a cartoon. He thought that's what made the South Park formula work. So he does that Chip Cartoon. Amy Schumer doesn't know what funny is because everything is just written for her, and Gilbert must have needed the money, but fuck you know Gilbert knew it was awful.

Norton's standup wasn't good and I couldn't get through even a single chapter of his book. But he was very fast when other, funnier people were around.

To really beat a dead horse into the ground, has he had one funny line on Jim & Sam?

Just one punchline. Just one punchline....
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