"Things don't exist until I learn about them"



Hey Patrick, wow us with another one of your internet words or phrases that were popular 10 years ago. "Things don't exist until I learn about them," from the guy who thinks Bohemian Rhapsody and movies that make hundreds of millions of dollars are deep cut references.
I don't know how he does it because he spends zero time with his daughter, but he talks like a mixture of a fat black woman and a 15 year old girl.


If Fat had actually stuck around to be in his daughter's life and if he wasn't such a pandering maniac he'd know how fundamentally wrong and stupid it is to let a child "choose" their gender. The fact that this is even something that people consider shows you how far gone we are as a society.

Children don't know what they want most of the time. My 3 and a half year old daughter wants to be a unicorn. That's this week. A couple of weeks ago she wanted to be Peppa Pig. She'd also probably eat chocolate ice cream every night if we let her which, of course, we don't. If we let my son choose his own dinner every night he'd live off pasta with pesto and cheeseburgers. It's your job as a parent not to let them do everything they want because at the end of the day they're children and they don't know anything. And if your kid tells you she/he wants to be a dinosaur or a boy/girl it's your job to chuckle, ignore it and pray to God that they grow out of it.