The Women of Compound Media


Hosting Brunch at a Night Club.


choke you to sleep, slap you awake
That's the most pathetic thing about Cumpound Media. For all his talk about 'NO MANAGEMENT', the Count's podcast empire is way more tepid than anything the bbboys did on either terrestrial or satelite radio with the suits breathing down their necks. The only vaguely edgy content is the boomerified 2016 politigrifter shit.
I'll be honest. Cumpound Media did that live action reenactment of Star Wars, that was actually a good idea for a livestream. It wasn't funny but they should be doing shit like that


I was going to post about skanky little goblin LinzBella but it looks like someone took over her Twitter, deleted her shit, and uploaded less than flattering images. Well done, whoever did that.

[URL unfurl="true"][/URL]

It's possible Big A murdered her and is covering his tracks.

In case you forgot what she looks like. You can probably taste this image by looking at it too.



choke you to sleep, slap you awake
I was going to post about skanky little goblin LinzBella but it looks like someone took over her Twitter, deleted her shit, and uploaded less than flattering images. Well done, whoever did that.

It's possible Big A murdered her and is covering his tracks.

In case you forgot what she looks like. You can probably taste this image by looking at it too.


Looks like she simply changed her handle, deleted her account, and someone else took the name.

She was a dog. She fucked so many radio people.