So many dumb teachers in my life.

This grade history teacher had a history of fucking the girls after school but they couldn’t prove it. One day they pulled him out of the classroom and he was never allowed to teach again. But because he had tenure, they couldn’t fire him. So he ended up getting some dumb office admin job.

One science teacher got busted for selling weed. When he was fired, his replacement was the biggest pushover ever. During any test, you’d call him over “sooo is it A? B? C?”” And he’d basically give you the answer. “Read the question again and look at B.”

One English teacher got fired almost immediately after hitting this one kid’s hands with a ruler. This was when Austin Powers was really big and he kept doing Dr Evil every day for probably 4 months. Going “well throw me a frickin’ bone here, Scott”. She finally screamed at him to shut up and had him put the fingers on the desk, whacked him hard. We laughed. He cried to the principal and she was gone.

This was when computers were considered evil but they abandoned hand writing assignments. So all the students had to type their papers and teachers didn’t know how to use the internet. They never heard of Cheatzone (I think this was the name of the site) or Angelfire sites. My C++ teacher thought I was a genius cause I “created blackjack” meanwhile it was just copied & pasted.

My best teacher was the 10th grade Spanish teacher. Older fat Argentina woman. Happy to be there, always smiling, played music, lessons were easy, watch a bunch of telenovelas and ask if we understood any of them. Every test was open book. Let us cheat off each other for the final exam. End of the year she brought tamales & Inca Cola for a class party. She died about 10 years after I graduated and the whole town got together for her. Thank you for your service.


I see penises everywhere
I've told this story here before.

I had a 3rd grade teacher. A nigger. Had a policy if you brought a toy to class, she would confiscate it and you would get it back at the end of the year.

End of the year comes and I ask for my stuff back. She said she didn't have it anymore.

I was a naive kid. My parents were also very lower middle class or upper poor.

That nigger stole from children and I hope she burns in hell for it.

Turk February

Our experiences exceed yours.
I've told this story here before.

I had a 3rd grade teacher. A nigger. Had a policy if you brought a toy to class, she would confiscate it and you would get it back at the end of the year.

End of the year comes and I ask for my stuff back. She said she didn't have it anymore.

I was a naive kid. My parents were also very lower middle class or upper poor.

That nigger stole from children and I hope she burns in hell for it.
if you take something from a kid for more than a day you're a scumbag. I would fucking rob my kids but always give their stuff back to them at the end of class. One time I threw a kids shoes in the hall and almost hit the vice principal, but you always return the shit.

Turk February

Our experiences exceed yours.
I've told this story here before.

I had a 3rd grade teacher. A nigger. Had a policy if you brought a toy to class, she would confiscate it and you would get it back at the end of the year.

End of the year comes and I ask for my stuff back. She said she didn't have it anymore.

I was a naive kid. My parents were also very lower middle class or upper poor.

That nigger stole from children and I hope she burns in hell for it.
I had a black coworker who spent 2 periods showing the kids videos of how she does her hair. She would also go in the stairwell and have panic attacks praying to jesus. Worst teacher I've ever met.

Riccardo Bosi

watches seasons 3-9 all the time, child.
We had this evil cunt of a teacher who had a lazy eye. She didn't last long. She was so mean she'd even pick on the polite Asian girl who never got into trouble. Other teachers hated her guts too.

Anyway a few of us would pull pranks on her to get her to quit. It sounds like bullying but she was truly a malicious cunt who hated kids, especially boys. Anyway she left the room once so someone covered the entire door handle in clear PVA glue so when she came back in she got glue all over her hand. Other times when she'd leave, we'd just lock the door and have no reaction as she'd bang on the window demanding she be let back in.

Within a year she was on A Current Affair complaining about how horrible we were.


❤️bonnie bonnie bonnie❤️
if you take something from a kid for more than a day you're a scumbag. I would fucking rob my kids but always give their stuff back to them at the end of class. One time I threw a kids shoes in the hall and almost hit the vice principal, but you always return the shit.
Teacher sold me a copy of Pokémon Red for like $5. Not sure if he forgot or kept it on purpose. This was like 6th grade.
Teacher sold me a copy of Pokémon Red for like $5. Not sure if he forgot or kept it on purpose. This was like 6th grade.
bra I had Mew AND Mewtwo!!!!!!

lil chud

Everyone I don't like is a pedophile
it's a crap thankless job but you get to get fucked up and drunk at night and hang out on forums. Theres like 3 kinds of teachers, one tries to be a sibling and smells like cigarettes, one tries to be a regal disciplinarian, and one just doesn't give a fuck and gets angry at everything, they're all fucking insane.
For anyone wondering, I would be the third type. Anger is such a fun emotion!