Serbian President: WWIII 3-4 Months Away:


The gunslinger.
911, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, Sadam, Gadaffi (this one is really egregious imo) - Palestine, lockdowns, vaccines, mandates, election fraud, Russian collusion, Ukraine, Putin.

Once you realise 99% of the population are effectively lobotomised by the state and its propaganda and its reward/threat system it all makes sense.

All of these things are patently outwardly retarded and the truth is simple and the opposite to what you’re made to think.

Instead of freeing their souls through osmosis to people who aren’t blind, they just attack and belittle them.

It’s a wild word, if you examine any group of people you have to accept the reality that almost all of them are functionally incapable of understanding what would benefit them.

The Real Ray WiIson

Raymondo Munoz
911, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, Sadam, Gadaffi (this one is really egregious imo) - Palestine, lockdowns, vaccines, mandates, election fraud, Russian collusion, Ukraine, Putin.

Once you realise 99% of the population are effectively lobotomised by the state and its propaganda and its reward/threat system it all makes sense.

All of these things are patently outwardly retarded and the truth is simple and the opposite to what you’re made to think.

Instead of freeing their souls through osmosis to people who aren’t blind, they just attack and belittle them.

It’s a wild word, if you examine any group of people you have to accept the reality that almost all of them are functionally incapable of understanding what would benefit them.
"What if everything...were the opposite." Groundbreaking thoughts, faggot. I felony demand you kill yourself. Meet God early and attain true enlightment. Let all us dummies wallow around in the muck.


The gunslinger.
@boq where can I find that interview? YouTubing it just brings up the 1984 memory hole of CNN videos.

Sue Lightning

Instead of freeing their souls through osmosis to people who aren’t blind, they just attack and belittle them.
Yeah freeing your soul is when you listen to people who’ve also freed their soul. Very independent minded. Can you think for yourself or does it all come from Tiktoks?


The gunslinger.
Yeah freeing your soul is when you listen to people who’ve also freed their soul. Very independent minded. Can you think for yourself or does it all come from Tiktoks?

I’m watching the video of it now. This is a head of state from the region saying he see’s a global major war within months and that he’s stock piling medicine and food for his people and making it known they are neutral and not taking sides.

I’m also reading translated comments discussing it by Serbians online, to get their perspective, they know him, we didn’t even know his name before this thread. I haven’t read enough to say a consensus but everything so far is ranging from “I hate this guy and think he’s a Putin shill but he’s not wrong” to “he’s completely right, start taking this seriously” and if I talk about this stuff anywhere, I’ll just get treated like a flat earther by people who won’t even watch the interview.

I’m not saying oh I’ve seen boq’s channel so I understand it, I’m saying thanks for showing me this, I’m gonna look into it and just that alone upsets people like you.


Stent is nonwhite -Discord J's
Personal favorite:

“Also, my eyes show sentience and a sharp mind...yours are dull and simian...dull hazel/honey colored monkey eyes that lack epicanthic folds (Fetal Alcohol Syndrome/Mongoloid, had a really drunk momma lol).”
When he wrote "Chimp Bizkit" in the "name the band" thread, I paid no mind until I saw his own monkey eyes...Then I jim norton seethed.jpg at his audacity.