Serbian President: WWIII 3-4 Months Away:


Stent is nonwhite -Discord J's
A country known for its war criminals is talking war.

When the Yugoslav civil war kicked off, the Arab jihadists who got training in Afghanistan offered to help the Bosnian Muslims...the Bosnians took one look at them and went "eww, brown radical thanks, we'll defend ourselves". And then the Srbenica massacre happened, because Bosnians were soft city people, while Serbs were all gun toting hicks from the countryside.


When the Yugoslav civil war kicked off, the Arab jihadists who got training in Afghanistan offered to help the Bosnian Muslims...the Bosnians took one look at them and went "eww, brown radical thanks, we'll defend ourselves". And then the Srbenica massacre happened, because Bosnians were soft city people, while Serbs were all gun toting hicks from the countryside.
We had a ton of Bosnians come to our area in the late 90s and I learned all about the war from them. This kids dad has VHS home movies that showed things that I'll never forget. One of a kind footage that he shot and kept.

It made me hate Serbs and I'm a brownish Puerto Rican.


Stent is nonwhite -Discord J's
We had a ton of Bosnians come to our area in the late 90s and I learned all about the war from them. This kids dad has VHS home movies that showed things that I'll never forget. One of a kind footage that he shot and kept.

It made me hate Serbs and I'm a brownish Puerto Rican.
They're all the same people (dont say that in public)...the Bosnians were just the elite-sters who worked for the Ottoman Turks, and hence became Muslim...The Croats were the ones who worked for the Habsburg Austro-Hungarians, hence becoming Catholic...and the Serbs had no one but dumb Russia. But they're all the same people.


Stent is nonwhite -Discord J's
@Sue Lightning @Jenna

Is this guy a schizophrenic nutjob as well?

The world is primed for a massive population reducing war, why do you think all these major countries are quietly instituting drafts and manoeuvring troops and resources to borders? Look at the financial markets too and where insiders are investing.

It’s clear as day.
Covid and the lockdowns will just be chronicled like the Spanish Flu by later day historians...the big/paradigm shifting thing (war) is coming.


They're all the same people (dont say that in public)...the Bosnians were just the elite-sters who worked for the Ottoman Turks, and hence became Muslim...The Croats were the ones who worked for the Habsburg Austro-Hungarians, hence becoming Catholic...and the Serbs had no one but dumb Russia. But they're all the same people.
I learned that quick too when the Bosnian kids would complain about the Croatian and Serbian kids and vice versa, all while looking the same with the block heads and speaking the same exact language. It wasn't until High School when everyone just got over it.

No matter what, they'd always be called Bosnians in school. Kind of how all Asians get called Chinese.

Sue Lightning

Nobaby loves to pull the “Both sides are blood sucking demons” but then goes “The DEMONCRATS ARE INSTITUTING THE DRAFT!!!!! Ok so what Trumps team has talked about mandatory conscription and the Republicans passed a bill automatically registering people to the draft? They only want slightly open borders so thats i’m voting for them. Oh actually I don’t vote i forgot i was supposed to pretend to be above partisan politics”


Stent is nonwhite -Discord J's
I learned that quick too when the Bosnian kids would complain about the Croatian and Serbian kids and vice versa, all while looking the same with the block heads and speaking the same exact language. It wasn't until High School when everyone just got over it.

No matter what, they'd always be called Bosnians in school. Kind of how all Asians get called Chinese.
My dad does that for South East Asia...he calls it "The Filipino countries: Philippines, Malaysia, Laos, Cambodia, Thailand, etc"

Riccardo Bosi

watches seasons 3-9 all the time, child.
Yeah but Boqish people get taken out by bricks and polacks all the time. There's no evolutionary need for a thick skull when the mind is nothing but hummus and pedophilia.