Sad Old Fag


Harrison Ford is way more successful but he's still a self-admitted miserable guy because of it. He hates being a celebrity in general, it's not just the Star Wars fags. I remember seeing some quote from him about "the incalculable loss of privacy" and that the perks you do get aren't worth it. He said something like you can get a good table at a restaurant but you can't go to the restaurant without being bothered.
I never understood that. Why the hell did you become an actor then? Not saying people should bother them while eating or with family or whatever, but you literally chose a job that relies on strangers liking you and the more successful you are, the more people will recognise you. Plus they kind of pay your wages. I would never want to be famous because I value my privacy. If you want to be famous, you have to understand that you're going to lose that if you succeed. And Ford can't mean he wanted to be one of those working character actors who gets a "don't I know you from somewhere" in the coffee shop twice a month. He's not a varied enough actor to have pulled that off.


I like that Bruce Willis got fired from Expendables 3 because he wanted 4 million for 3 days of work so Stallone got Harrison Ford to do 7 days of work for 2 million. Now Bruce Willis doesn’t know where he or what he’s doing.
In retrospect, Willis probably had no clue that he asked for those terms. It was probably his wife and that Stevie guy who's lived off him since the 80s.


Currently dying of shit eating disease.
I never understood that. Why the hell did you become an actor then? Not saying people should bother them while eating or with family or whatever, but you literally chose a job that relies on strangers liking you and the more successful you are, the more people will recognise you. Plus they kind of pay your wages. I would never want to be famous because I value my privacy. If you want to be famous, you have to understand that you're going to lose that if you succeed. And Ford can't mean he wanted to be one of those working character actors who gets a "don't I know you from somewhere" in the coffee shop twice a month. He's not a varied enough actor to have pulled that off.
I think there's a good chance that Harrison Ford would've been an unhappy raincloud no matter what he ended up doing.


Stand Alone Fruit
I think there's a good chance that Harrison Ford would've been an unhappy raincloud no matter what he ended up doing.
Yeah he seems like one of those “forever miserable” types. Bruce Willis is known (or was since he’s no longer with it anymore) to also be this way. Seriously, next time you go to Vegas ask some of the older staff members (especially the cab guys at the front) at the casinos if they ever dealt with Bruce and they will tell you he’s the worst. I’ve personally heard it from at least 25 Vegas / AC casino employees.


Dirty Bastard
I never understood that. Why the hell did you become an actor then? Not saying people should bother them while eating or with family or whatever, but you literally chose a job that relies on strangers liking you and the more successful you are, the more people will recognise you. Plus they kind of pay your wages. I would never want to be famous because I value my privacy. If you want to be famous, you have to understand that you're going to lose that if you succeed. And Ford can't mean he wanted to be one of those working character actors who gets a "don't I know you from somewhere" in the coffee shop twice a month. He's not a varied enough actor to have pulled that off.
Fuck him, he could always have quit and retired after Last Crusade, someone wanted to do “serious “ roles and be praised.
Luke Sadwanker’s just happy to be remembered and get s paycheque


Fuck him, he could always have quit and retired after Last Crusade, someone wanted to do “serious “ roles and be praised.
Luke Sadwanker’s just happy to be remembered and get s paycheque
I get your point, but he made a few decent ones after Crusade. Fugitive, I enjoyed Air Force One when it came out (I was a teenager at the time), What Lies Beneath was decent. He seemed to have semi-retired from the 2010s onwards, after a bunch of bombs in the 2000s. Apart from the Indy and Star Wars dreck


Dirty Bastard
Must be incredibly tedious to be in a franchise with fans as obsessive as that who assume you're just as invested in it as they are. Fucking full grown adults no less. Star Wars is for children - always has been, always will be.

Tons of actors have never even seen their own movies.

I started "re-mastering" movies on my PC, using AI and various tricks, about four years ago. Then I noticed something:

It made me hate the movies.

Basically, it took as much as a month to complete the re-mastering process, back in 2019. And by the 2nd week, I was just D-O-N-E. Like, I never wanted to see the movies again for as long as I live.

Boogie Nights is the first movie I re-mastered. I'm kinda obsessed with the movie. Or I should say, I was obsessed with the movie. After toiling on it for a couple of weeks, I wanted nothing to do with it. Never finished working on it. Haven't seen the movie in the last five years. Used to watch it 3-4x a year.

And that was after a few *weeks* of working on it; if I was an actor who'd worked on some movie for 40 hours a week for YEARS, it would take all of my willpower not to quit.

The idea that Harrison Ford would spend a single minute thinking about Star Wars is just silly; the people who work at McDonalds don't go home and think about Big Macs.