Reminder that Joe liked this show so much he bought a jacket from it


You are not creative, nor destructive. I am both.
I was in a band around the time that SOA was on air and we had a gig at a local biker clubhouse. When I went inside to refresh my drink, I happened to notice that they had a SOA tshirt framed with the logo on their wall. While I watched the show because at the time, because it was moderately interesting to me, I couldn't help but think it was a fag move to frame that hokey Hollywood BS on the clubhouse of a club that wanted to be taken seriously.

BTW, the Pagans ain't nothing to fuck with and no, that wasn't the club in question here.
lol was it even signed or anything? that’s so fucking gay
That's a perfect way of describing it. Utterly preposterous and contrived plots combined with po-faced writing that takes itself completely seriously and presents it all like it's the coolest thing ever. It'd be a great "so bad it's good" show if large parts of it weren't so dull and joyless.

WWAW the Alzheimer patient dad stabbing the goofy biker in the ass because he thinks he's fucking his late wife instead of the in-house caretaker?
Or when Peggy Bundy smoked too much weed, and was driving around with her grandkid, and everything got all wavy and blurry before she crashed. Just terrible.

Slackjawed Cow

I laugh at them because they're all the same.
I gurantee Joe has never met a real 1%er biker, and just holds onto this romanticised version in his smooth cow brain. Did he evet ride his motorcycle around while wearing this jacket? lol
He must be so embarrassing around real bikers. Trying to act like they are the same before he jumps on his jap wannabe harley and rides off into the sunset with his TV show SAMCRO gear. They must all laugh at him like this place does. Havent seen Joe post anything about riding his bike in years either.